t_look(3N) t_look(3N)
t_look - look at the current event on a transport endpoint
#include <xti.h>
#include <tiuser.h>
int t_look(fd)
int fd;
This function returns the current event on the transport endpoint
specified by fd. This function enables a transport provider to notify a
transport user of an asynchronous event when the user is issuing
functions in synchronous mode. Certain events require immediate
notification of the user and are indicated by a specific error, TLOOK, on
the current or next function to be executed.
This function also enables a transport user to poll a transport endpoint
periodically for asynchronous events.
On failure, t_errno may be set to one of the following:
TBADF The specified file descriptor does not refer to a
transport endpoint.
TSYSERR A system error has occurred during execution of this
TPROTO If _XOPEN_SOURCE is defined, then this error indicates
that a communication problem has been detected between XTI
and the transport provider for which there is no other
suitable XTI (t_errno).
t_open(3N), t_snd(3N), t_sndudata(3N)
Upon success, t_look returns a value that indicates which of the
allowable events has occurred, or returns zero if no event exists. One
of the following events is returned:
T_LISTEN connection indication received
T_CONNECT connect confirmation received
T_DATA normal data received
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t_look(3N) t_look(3N)
T_EXDATA expedited data received
T_DISCONNECT disconnect received
T_UDERR datagram error indication
T_ORDREL orderly release indication
On failure, -1 is returned and t_errno is set to indicate the error.
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