dmPMInitDirectory(3dm) dmPMInitDirectory(3dm)
dmPMInitDirectory, dmPMInitDirectoryWithProgress - initializes a
directory of plugins
#include <dmedia/fx_plugin_mgr.h>
DMplugin** dmPMInitDirectory
( DMplugmgr* manager,
const char* pathname,
unsigned int typemask )
DMplugin** dmPMInitDirectoryWithProgress
( DMplugmgr* manager,
const char* pathname,
unsigned int typemask,
DMprogresscallback *progressCallback,
void *progressClientData )
manager A pointer to a DMplugmgr, which was returned from
pathname The pathname of the directory from which to
initialize the plugins; can be NULL.
typemask The typemask of the plugin type which is a bitwise
combination of one or more of: DM_VIDEO_FILTER,
progressCallback The progressCallback is a pointer to a
DMprogresscallback callback. This callback gets
triggered periodically during the loading of plugins
if and only if, the plugin-manager cache file needs
to be updated. Define your callback like:
DMboolean myProgressCallback(
float fractionComplete, /* 0.0 - 1.0 */
void* clientData);
progressClientData The progressClientData gets passed into the
progressCallback; can be NULL.
dmPMInitDirectory and dmPMInitDirectoryWithProgress initialize a
directory of plugins. The plugin-manager manages a list of plugins and a
cached file that allows applications to use special effects plugins.
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dmPMInitDirectory(3dm) dmPMInitDirectory(3dm)
Passing in NULL causes the plugin-manager to initialize the default
plugin directory.
dmPMInitDirectory and dmPMInitDirectoryWithProgress will return a pointer
to an array of DMplugin's if successful, or will return NULL if it fails.
The plug-in manager owns this array, therefore your application must not
free it. You can access the plugins like:
DMplugin **plugins = dmPMInitDirectory(mgr, NULL, DM_VIDEO_FILTER);
if (plugins)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < dmPMGetPluginCount(mgr); i++)
name = dmPMGetName(plugins[i]);
/usr/lib/dmedia/plugins/premiere default plugin directory
$HOME/.fxplugmgr.cache plugin-manager cache file
dmPMCreateManager(3dm), dmPMGetPluginCount(3dm), dmPMInitPlugin(3dm),
dmPMFreePlugin(3dm), dmPMFreeAllPlugins(3dm), dmGetError(3dm).
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