dmParamsGetNumElems(3dm) dmParamsGetNumElems(3dm)
dmParamsGetNumElems, dmParamsGetType, dmParamsIsPresent,
dmParamsCopyElem, dmParamsCopyAllElems, dmParamsRemoveElem - manipulate
the contents of a digital media parameter/value list
#include <dmedia/dm_params.h>
int dmParamsGetNumElems
( const DMparams* params )
DMparamtype dmParamsGetType [Toc] [Back]
( const DMparams* params,
const char* paramName )
DMboolean dmParamsIsPresent [Toc] [Back]
( const DMparams* params,
const char* paramName )
DMstatus dmParamsCopyElem [Toc] [Back]
( const DMparams* fromParams,
const char* paramName,
DMparams* toParams )
DMstatus dmParamsCopyAllElems [Toc] [Back]
( const DMparams* fromParams,
DMparams* toParams )
const char* dmParamsRemoveElem
( const DMparams* params,
const char* paramName )
dmParamsGetNumElems returns the number of elements present in a
parameter/value list. The number of elements in a list, and their
ordering is guaranteed to remain stable unless the list is changed using
one of the "set" functions, by copying an element into it, or by removing
an element.
dmParamsGetType returns the type of value stored in an entry in the list.
The value returned will be one of: DM_TYPE_ENUM, DM_TYPE_INT,
dmParamsIsPresent tests to see if an element with the given name is
present in the list. DM_TRUE is returned if so, DM_FALSE if not.
dmParamsCopyElem copies one parameter/value pair from one list to
another. If there was previously a parameter with the same name in the
destination list, the previous value will be lost. DM_SUCCESS is
returned if there is enough memory to hold the copied element, DM_FAILURE
if not.
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dmParamsGetNumElems(3dm) dmParamsGetNumElems(3dm)
dmParamsCopyAllElems copies the entire contents of one parameter list to
another. If there are any parameters with the same name in both lists,
the value in the destination list will be lost. DM_SUCCESS is returned
if there is enough memory to hold the copied data, DM_FAILURE if not.
dmParamsRemoveElem removes one element from the given list. The element
named must be present.
The indexed routines dmParamsGetElem and dmParamsGetElemType have been
obsoleted. Instead, to determine the type of an element, use
dmParamsGetType. To traverse a parameter/value list, use dmParamsScan.
dmParams(3dm), dmParamsGetInt(3dm), dmParamsSetInt(3dm),
dmParamsScan(3dm), dmSetImageDefaults(3dm), dmSetAudioDefaults(3dm).
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