clQueryParams(3dm) clQueryParams(3dm)
clQueryParams, clGetParamID - Get a list of the parameters for a
specified processing object, or the parameter identifier given the name
#include <dmedia/cl.h>
int clQueryParams(CLhandle handle,
int *paramValueBuffer, int bufferLength)
int clGetParamID(CLhandle handle, char *paramName)
handle A handle to a compressor or decompressor.
An array of ints into which clQueryParams writes name/type
bufferLength The number of ints in buffer.
paramName The parameter name.
clQueryParams gets a list of parameters for the specified compressor or
decompressor. Name/type pairs are written into buffer up to the capacity
bufferLength. The even entries receive the parameter names, and the odd
entries receive the types. The type is one of
CL_ENUM_VALUE only certain constant values are valid
CL_RANGE_VALUE any value in a given range is valid
CL_FLOATING_ENUM_VALUE only certain constant floating point values
are valid
CL_FLOATING_RANGE_VALUE any value in a given floating point range
is valid
clGetParamID is used to obtain the parameter identifier given a parameter
name. The identifier is needed for other calls such as clGetParams and
See CLintro(3dm) for a discussion of the general parameters common to all
clQueryParams returns the size of the buffer, in number of ints, needed
to hold all of the parameters for handle. (If bufferLength is smaller
than this value, a partial list of parameters is filled in.) On failure,
a negative error code is returned.
clGetParamID returns the parameter identifier, or a negative error code.
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clQueryParams(3dm) clQueryParams(3dm)
#include <dmedia/cl.h>
int *buffer, bufferLength;
CLhandle handle;
/* Find all the parameters for a processing object */
bufferLength = clQueryParams(handle, NULL, 0);
buffer = (int *) malloc(bufferLength * sizeof(int));
clQueryParams(handle, buffer, bufferLength);
clGetParamID(handle, "Image width");
CLintro(3dm), clGetParams(3dm), clSetParams(3dm), clGetDefault(3dm),
clGetMinMax(3dm), clGetName(3dm), clAddParam(3dm)
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