DTremovecallback(3dm) DTremovecallback(3dm)
DTremovecallback - remove a callback from the DAT audio data parser
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dmedia/dataudio.h>
void DTremovecallback(DTPARSER* dtp, DTDATATYPES type);
dtp A pointer to the target DTPARSER.
type The type of callback to remove. DTDATATYPES is an enumerated type
defined in dataudio.h containing the following values: dt_audio,
dt_pnum, dt_index, dt_ptime, dt_atime, dt_rtime, dt_prortime,
dt_mainid, dt_sampfreq, dt_toc, dt_date, dt_catalog, dt_ident,
DTremovecallback removes a callback from the specified parser. The
parser has callbacks for fourteen different types of data in the digital
audio data stream corresponding to the enumerated types listed above.
After a callback has been removed, the parser will no longer look for
that type of data in the digital audio data stream.
DTintro(3dm), DTaddcallback(3dm), DTcreateparser(3dm), DTparseframe(3dm),
DTremovecallback(3dm), DTresetparser(3dm), datframe(4)
Mark Callow
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