DTpnotodec(3dm) DTpnotodec(3dm)
DTpnotodec - convert BCD program number to decimal
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dmedia/dataudio.h>
int DTpnotodec(unchar pno1, unchar pno2, unchar pno3)
pno1 The first (most significant) BCD digit of the program number.
pno2 The second BCD digit of the program number.
pno1 The third (least significant) BCD digit of the program number.
DTpnotodec returns the program number in decimal between 1 and 799. It
may also return 0xAAA when the program number is invalid or 0xBBB when
the program number is that of the tape lead-in area.
DTpnotodec converts the DAT program number represented by the three BCD
digits, passed as arguments, into a single integer value. Valid program
numbers lie in the range 1 to 799. Values of 0xAAA and 0xBBB can also be
returned. 0xAAA is returned when BCD digits 2 and 3 are 0xA which means
the program number currently has no validity. 0xBBB is returned when BCD
digits 2 and 3 are 0xB which means the program number is that of the
lead-in area of the tape.
DTintro(3dm), DTatotime(3dm), DTatohmsf(3dm), DTframetohmsf(3dm),
DTframetotc(3dm), DThmsftoframe(3dm), DTtctoframe(3dm), datframe(4)
Mark Callow
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