CDstop(3dm) CDstop(3dm)
CDstop - stops play of an audio CD in CD-ROM drive
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dmedia/cdaudio.h>
int CDstop(CDPLAYER* cd)
cd A pointer to the CDPLAYER structure representing the target CD-ROM
If successful, this function returns a non-zero value otherwise zero is
CDstop(3dm) stops the current play operation. CDstop(3dm) has no effect
if no play operation is in progress. CDstop(3dm) always changes the
state field in the CDSTATUS structure associated with the CD-ROM drive to
the value CD_READY.
The CDstop(3dm) function should not be used in conjunction with the
CDreadda(3dm) function.
CDintro(3dm), CDclose(3dm), CDgetstatus(3dm), CDgettrackinfo(3dm)
CDopen(3dm), CDplay(3dm), CDplayabs(3dm), CDplaytrack(3dm),
CDplaytrackabs(3dm) CDstop(3dm), CDtogglepause(3dm), CDeject(3dm)
Roger Chickering, Mark Callow
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