CDsbtoa(3dm) CDsbtoa(3dm)
CDsbtoa - convert six-bit country and owner codes to ASCII string
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dmedia/cdaudio.h>
int CDsbtoa(char* s, const unchar *sb, int count);
s A pointer to a string to store the converted value. The string
pointed at by s must be at least count bytes long not counting
the terminating null.
sb A pointer to an array of six-bit coded characters.
count The number of six-bit characters in the sb array.
CDsbtoa(3dm) returns the number of characters converted.
CDsbtoa(3dm) converts an array of bytes containing letters and numbers
encoded according to the six-bit format used by the International
Standard Recording Code (ISO 3901) [see cdframe (4) for the six-bit code]
into the corresponding ASCII string. CDsbtoa(3dm) appends a terminating
null to the end of the string.
CDintro(3dm), CDmsftoblock(3dm), CDmsftoframe(3dm), CDclose(3dm),
CDopen(3dm), CDaddcallback(3dm), CDreadda(3dm), CDseek(3dm),
CDtctoframe(3dm), CDtimetoa(3dm), cdframe(4)
Mark Callow
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