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  man pages->IRIX man pages -> audiofile/AFreadframes (3d)              


afReadFrames(3dm)					     afReadFrames(3dm)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     afReadFrames - read sample	frames from a specified	audio track in an
     audio file

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     #include <dmedia/audiofile.h>

     int afReadFrames(const AFfilehandle file, int track,
		      void *samples, const int count)

PARAMETER    [Toc]    [Back]

     file      is the AFfilehandle structure for the audio file	from which
	       audio sample data will be read.	This structure is usually the
	       returned	value of a call	to afOpenFile(3dm).

     track     is an integer which identifies an audio track in	a file.

	       Since all currently supported file formats allow	at most	one
	       audio track per file, the value AF_DEFAULT_TRACK	should always
	       be used for this	argument for now.

     samples   is a pointer to a buffer	into which you want to transfer	the
	       samples read from the audio file.  Note that the	data type of
	       the samples in this buffer can vary depending on	the sample
	       format and sample width of the file.

     count     is the number of	sample frames to be read from the audio	track.

	       For monaural data a sample frame	is a single sample; for	stereo
	       data a sample frame is a	pair of	samples, etc.

RETURN VALUE    [Toc]    [Back]

     afReadFrames() returns the	number of sample frames	actually read from the
     file. In the event	of error, -1 is	returned and oserror(3C) will be set
     to	the appropriate	error code.

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     afReadFrames() transfers data from	the specified track of an audio	file
     to	the samples buffer.  samples should be of type char*, short*, int*,
     unsigned int*, float*, or double* depending on the	width and format of
     the samples in the	audio track as retrieved using afGetSampleFormat(3dm),
     or	the virtual format specified by	afSetVirtualSampleFormat(3dm).
     afReadFrames() attempts to	read count sample frames from the file,
     starting at the current location of the file read pointer.

     When a file is opened with	read access by afOpenFD(3dm),
     afOpenNamedFD(3dm), or afOpenFile(3dm), the file pointer for each audio
     track is initialized to point to the first	sample frame in	the audio
     track. The	pointer	may be moved to	any sample frame location within a
     specified track by	a call to afSeekFrame(3dm).

									Page 1

afReadFrames(3dm)					     afReadFrames(3dm)

     Before returning, afReadFrames() automatically updates the	read pointer
     for track	so that	it points to the sample	frame following	the last one
     copied into samples.

     Note that the data	type of	the samples in this buffer can vary depending
     on	the sample format and sample width of the samples in the track.	 The
     samples buffer is interpreted differently depending on the	current
     configuration of the audio	track.	The sampwidth parameter	returned by
     afGetSampleFormat(3dm) may	or may not be meaningful, depending on the
     value of sampfmt.	See afGetSampleFormat(3dm) for a full explanation of
     sample representations.

     afReadFrames() automatically decompresses data which was encoded with the
     CCITT G.722, CCITT	G.711, MPEG, and Aware compression.  By	default, the
     data for all currently supported compression formats is presented to
     application programs in the standard two's	complement linear PCM format,
     but this is by no means guaranteed	for future compression types.  See
     afGetCompression(3dm) and afSetVirtualSampleFormat	for further
     information.  To achieve real-time	G.722 compression, the application
     process may require non-degrading scheduling priority (see	schedctl(2) or

     If	an audio track contains	data for more than a single audio channel, the
     data returned in the samples buffer will be interleaved.  For stereo
     data, the samples are always grouped in left/right	pairs (sample frames).
     For reference, interleave conventions for files containing	multichannel
     data are stated in	the AIFF-C spec.

EXAMPLE    [Toc]    [Back]

     To	read 10000 stereo sample frames	(i.e., 20000 individual	audio samples)
     from a stereo AIFF-C file which contains G.722-encoded data, declare
     samples to	be a short[] buffer (since G.722 encodes 16-bit	data) with at
     least 20000 locations, and	call afReadFrames() with count set to 10000.

CAVEATS    [Toc]    [Back]

     This routine will not function correctly if the user changes the file
     position on the file descriptor for the AFfilehandle being	manipulated.
     See afSaveFilePosition(3dm) and the section CAVEATS FOR USING THE
     HANDLE'S FILE DESCRIPTOR in afIntro(3dm) for some important information
     about how to deal with this situation.

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     afOpenFile(3dm), afSeekFrame(3dm),	afGetSampleFormat(3dm),
     afWriteFrames(3dm), afGetCompression(3dm),	afSetVirtualSampleFormat(3dm),
afReadFrames(3dm)					     afReadFrames(3dm)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     afReadFrames - read sample	frames from a specified	audio track in an
     audio file

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     #include <dmedia/audiofile.h>

     int afReadFrames(const AFfilehandle file, int track,
		      void *samples, const int count)

PARAMETER    [Toc]    [Back]

     file      is the AFfilehandle structure for the audio file	from which
	       audio sample data will be read.	This structure is usually the
	       returned	value of a call	to afOpenFile(3dm).

     track     is an integer which identifies an audio track in	a file.

	       Since all currently supported file formats allow	at most	one
	       audio track per file, the value AF_DEFAULT_TRACK	should always
	       be used for this	argument for now.

     samples   is a pointer to a buffer	into which you want to transfer	the
	       samples read from the audio file.  Note that the	data type of
	       the samples in this buffer can vary depending on	the sample
	       format and sample width of the file.

     count     is the number of	sample frames to be read from the audio	track.

	       For monaural data a sample frame	is a single sample; for	stereo
	       data a sample frame is a	pair of	samples, etc.

RETURN VALUE    [Toc]    [Back]

     afReadFrames() returns the	number of sample frames	actually read from the
     file. In the event	of error, -1 is	returned and oserror(3C) will be set
     to	the appropriate	error code.

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     afReadFrames() transfers data from	the specified track of an audio	file
     to	the samples buffer.  samples should be of type char*, short*, int*,
     unsigned int*, float*, or double* depending on the	width and format of
     the samples in the	audio track as retrieved using afGetSampleFormat(3dm),
     or	the virtual format specified by	afSetVirtualSampleFormat(3dm).
     afReadFrames() attempts to	read count sample frames from the file,
     starting at the current location of the file read pointer.

     When a file is opened with	read access by afOpenFD(3dm),
     afOpenNamedFD(3dm), or afOpenFile(3dm), the file pointer for each audio
     track is initialized to point to the first	sample frame in	the audio
     track. The	pointer	may be moved to	any sample frame location within a
     specified track by	a call to afSeekFrame(3dm).

									Page 1

afReadFrames(3dm)					     afReadFrames(3dm)

     Before returning, afReadFrames() automatically updates the	read pointer
     for track	so that	it points to the sample	frame following	the last one
     copied into samples.

     Note that the data	type of	the samples in this buffer can vary depending
     on	the sample format and sample width of the samples in the track.	 The
     samples buffer is interpreted differently depending on the	current
     configuration of the audio	track.	The sampwidth parameter	returned by
     afGetSampleFormat(3dm) may	or may not be meaningful, depending on the
     value of sampfmt.	See afGetSampleFormat(3dm) for a full explanation of
     sample representations.

     afReadFrames() automatically decompresses data which was encoded with the
     CCITT G.722, CCITT	G.711, MPEG, and Aware compression.  By	default, the
     data for all currently supported compression formats is presented to
     application programs in the standard two's	complement linear PCM format,
     but this is by no means guaranteed	for future compression types.  See
     afGetCompression(3dm) and afSetVirtualSampleFormat	for further
     information.  To achieve real-time	G.722 compression, the application
     process may require non-degrading scheduling priority (see	schedctl(2) or

     If	an audio track contains	data for more than a single audio channel, the
     data returned in the samples buffer will be interleaved.  For stereo
     data, the samples are always grouped in left/right	pairs (sample frames).
     For reference, interleave conventions for files containing	multichannel
     data are stated in	the AIFF-C spec.

EXAMPLE    [Toc]    [Back]

     To	read 10000 stereo sample frames	(i.e., 20000 individual	audio samples)
     from a stereo AIFF-C file which contains G.722-encoded data, declare
     samples to	be a short[] buffer (since G.722 encodes 16-bit	data) with at
     least 20000 locations, and	call afReadFrames() with count set to 10000.

CAVEATS    [Toc]    [Back]

     This routine will not function correctly if the user changes the file
     position on the file descriptor for the AFfilehandle being	manipulated.
     See afSaveFilePosition(3dm) and the section CAVEATS FOR USING THE
     HANDLE'S FILE DESCRIPTOR in afIntro(3dm) for some important information
     about how to deal with this situation.

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     afOpenFile(3dm), afSeekFrame(3dm),	afGetSampleFormat(3dm),
     afWriteFrames(3dm), afGetCompression(3dm),	afSetVirtualSampleFormat(3dm),

									PPPPaaaaggggeeee 2222
[ Back ]
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