mldset(3) mldset(3)
mldset_create, mldset_destroy, mldset_place - mldset operations
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/pmo.h>
pmo_handle_t mldset_create(pmo_handle_t* mldlist, int mldlist_len)
int mldset_destroy(pmo_handle_t mldset_handle)
int mldset_place(pmo_handle_t mldset_handle,
topology_type_t topology_type,
raff_info_t* rafflist,
int rafflist_len,
rqmode_t rqmode)
mldset_create creates a memory locality domain set.
mldset_destroy destroys a memory locality domain set.
mldset_place places a memory locality domain set
mldset_create will fail and no MLD set will not be created if one or more
of the following are true:
EFAULT Arguments could not be copied into kernel space.
EFAULT The MLD list is NULL.
EINVAL The MLD list length is less than 1.
EINVAL An MLD in the MLD list does not exist or is invalid.
ENOMEM No memory is available to create the MLD set.
ENOTSUP Memory locality domains are not supported on this system
mldset_destroy will fail and no MLD set will not be created if one or
more of the following are true:
EINVAL The specified mldset_handle is invalid or does not exist.
ENOTSUP Memory locality domains are not supported on this system
mldset_place will fail and the MLD set will not be placed if one or more
of the following are true:
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mldset(3) mldset(3)
EFAULT Arguments could not be copied into kernel space.
EINVAL The specified mldset_handle is invalid or does not exist.
EINVAL The specified topology is invalid.
EINVAL The specified rafflist length is non-zero, but the
rafflist pointer is NULL.
EINVAL The rafflist pointer is non-NULL, but the specified
rafflist length is zero.
EINVAL The member of the rafflist is NULL.
EINVAL Mandatory rafflist placement could not be satisfied.
EINVAL The specified rqmode has invalid hint bits set.
ENOMEM No memory is available to place the MLD set.
ENOTSUP Memory locality domains are not supported on this system
numa(5), mmci(5), mld(3c), pm(3c), migration(3c).
Upon successful completion, mldset_create returns a value of type
pmo_handle_t, mldset_destroy and mldset_place return 0. Otherwise, a
value of -1 is returned and errno is set to indicate the error.
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