winmove(3G) winmove(3G)
winmove - moves the current graphics window by its lower-left corner
void winmove(orgx, orgy)
long orgx, orgy;
orgx expects the x coordinate of the location to which you want to move
the current graphics window.
orgy expects the y coordinate of the location to which you want to move
the current graphics window.
winmove moves the current graphics window so that its origin is at the
screen coordinates (in pixels) specified by orgx, orgy. The origin of the
current graphics window is its lower-left corner. winmove does not change
the size and shape of the window.
This routine is available only in immediate mode.
On the IRIS-4D GT and GTX models only, a window region which extends
beyond 2048 in the horizontal dimension is wrapped around and mapped to a
corresponding window region starting at 512. The bug is visible only if
the window covers both regions.
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