winconstraints(3G) winconstraints(3G)
winconstraints - binds window constraints to the current window
void winconstraints()
winconstraints binds the currently specified constraints to the current
graphics window. (Logically, because this assumes the existence of a
current graphics window, you must have previously called winopen.) Prior
to calling winconstraints, you can set the values of the window
constraints by using the following commands: minsize, maxsize,
keepaspect, prefsize, prefposition, iconsize, noborder, noport, stepunit,
fudge, and imakebackground. Note that the position of a window can not
be constrained (pinned down). That is, if prefposition is used for
setting the initial size and position of a window, the resulting window
will still be movable.
After binding constraints to a window, winconstraints resets the window
constraints to their default values, if any.
fudge, keepaspect, iconsize, imakebackground, maxsize, minsize, noborder,
noport, prefposition, prefsize, stepunit, winopen
This routine is available only in immediate mode.
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