viewport(3G) viewport(3G)
viewport - allocates a rectangular area of the window for an image
void viewport(Screencoord left, Screencoord right, Screencoord bottom, Screencoord top)
left is the x coordinate of the viewport left side.
right is the x coordinate of the viewport right side.
bottom is the y coordinate of the viewport bottom.
top is the y coordinate of the viewport top.
viewport specifies, in pixels, the area of the window that displays an
image. The viewport locations are specified relative to the lower-left
corner of the window. Specifying the viewport is the first step in
mapping world coordinates to screen coordinates. The portion of world
space that window, ortho, or perspective describes is mapped into the
viewport. left, right, bottom, and top coordinates define a rectangular
area on the screen.
When the system is not in feedback mode the rectangular area is
restricted as follows. The valid range for left, and right is
-getgdesc(GD_XPMAX) to 2*getgdesc(GD_XPMAX). The valid range for bottom,
and top is -getgdesc(GD_YPMAX) to 2*getgdesc(GD_YPMAX). The maximum
width and height is 2K.
viewport also loads the screenmask.
scrmask, getviewport, popviewport, pushviewport
On the Personal Iris, if left is greater than right or bottom is greater
than top, the screen displays a reflected image.
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