TmSgiGrid(3Tm) TmSgiGrid(3Tm)
TmSgiGrid - the SGI Grid widget class
sgiGrid pathName [options]
This is the tcl binding to the SGI sgGrid widget.
The class name for resource files is SgGrid. Resources are inherited from
Core, Composite, Constraint, XmManager, and XmBulletinBoard classes.
Methods are inherited from TmCore.
New resources for this class are:
Specifies the number of rows in the grid. This resource must be
specified at widget creation time. The default is 1.
Specifies the number of columns in the grid. This resource must be
specified at widget creation time. The default is 1.
When TRUE, the SgGrid widget visibly displays the boundaries of each
cell in the grid. This can be useful for debugging resize
specifications. The default is FALSE.
When TRUE (the default), all rows or columns that have a non-zero
resizability are sized according to the column. If this resource is
FALSE, all widgets in resizable rows or columns are sized according
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TmSgiGrid(3Tm) TmSgiGrid(3Tm)
to a relative resizability factor (see SgGridSetRowResizability and
SgGridSetColumnResizability, below). By default, this factor is "1"
for all widgets, leading to an equal sizing strategy.
Specifies a default spacing between rows and columns. This value
can be overriden on a per row/column basis using
SgGridSetColumnMargin or SgGridSetRowMargin.
If a child widget is not resizable, and is smaller than the cell
that contains it, the child's gravity controls its position within
the cell. Gravity may be any of the gravity values defined by Xlib
except StaticGravity and ForgetGravity. The default is
NorthWestGravity; Note that gravity has no effect if both
verticalResize and horizontalResize are TRUE.
If TRUE, the child will be resized to fill the cell containing it in
the vertical direction. The default is TRUE;
If TRUE, the child will be resized to fill the cell containing it in
the horizontal direction. The default is TRUE;
row Determines the row of the grid in which the child is placed. If no
row is specified, the child will be placed in a cell randomly
selected from those not currently occupied.
Determines the column of the grid in which the child is placed. If
no row is specified, the child will be placed in a cell randomly
selected from those not currently occupied.
New methods for this class are:
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columnMargin column margin
Set the margin width of the specified column.
columnResizable column factor
This function sets the resizability of individual columns, and works
in a similar fashion as rowResizable.
rowMargin row margin
Set the margin height of the specified row. Each row and column can
have a margin between it's edge and the widgets the row or column
contains. The margin is added to both sides of each row or column,
so adding a 1 pixel marign grows the relevant dimension of the
affected row or column by 2 pixels.
rowResizable row factor
Set the degree to which the specified row can be resized. The
default is a value of 1 for all rows, which means that all rows will
be equally resizable, if the value of autoLayout is false. Setting
this value to 0 establishes the specified row as not resizable,
regardless of the setting of autoLayout. Other values are taken
relative to all other rows. For example, if an SgGrid widget has
three rows, whose resize factors are set to 100, 100, and 200, the
first and second rows will occupy 1/4 (computed as:
100/(100+100+200)) of the space, while the the third row will occupy
one half of the available space.
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