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tclMotif(3Tm)							 tclMotif(3Tm)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     tclMotif -	the binding of tcl to the Motif	widget set.

Introduction    [Toc]    [Back]

     This is a binding of the Tcl language to the Motif	widgets.  Tcl is an
     interpreted language originally intended for use as a command language
     for other applications. It	has been used for that,	but has	also become
     useful as a language in its own right.

     Tcl has been extended by a	set of widgets called Tk. The Tk widgets are
     not based on the Xt Intrinsics, but are built above Xlib. They allow an
     easy way of writing X Window applications.

     The standard set of widgets in the	X world	is now the Motif set. This
     forms a large set of widgets, and these have been through a large amount
     of	development over the last five years. Use of this set is sometimes a
     requirement by busineses, and other widget	sets try to conform to them in
     appearance	and behaviour.

     This system allows	the programmer to use the Motif	widgets	instead	of the
     Tk	widgets	from Tcl programs. This	increases programmer choices, and
     allows comparison of the features of both Tcl and the Tk/Motif style of
     widget programming.  The binding gives the	full set of Motif widgets,
     accessible	through	the simple interpreted Tcl language.

Acknowledgments    [Toc]    [Back]

     This system is based on Tk	for the	style of widget	programming. This was
     because it	provides a good	model, but it also allows the Tcl programmer
     to	move relatively	easily between Tk and Motif programming. An
     alternative style of binding to Motif is used in the WKSH system, which
     performs a	similar	sort of	role for the Korn Shell. The WKSH is much
     closer to the C API for Xt	than is	Tk. An intermediate style is provided
     by	the Wafe binding of Xt-based widgets to	tcl.

     The documentation is incomplete (and is likely to be for a	very long
     time). Consequently the programmer	will probably need to refer to the
     Motif Programers Reference	Manual.	The system has been designed so	that
     it	is relatively easy to translate	the C-based information	in this	manual
     into the corresponding Tcl	information. This has been aided by the
     consistency with which Motif has been implemented in certain areas.

Running	Tcl/Motif programs
     Tcl/Motif programs	may be run by the `moat' (MOtif	And Tcl) interpreter.
     When called with no arguments it reads Tcl	commands from standard input.
     When called by

	  moat file-name

     it	reads Tcl commands from	`file-name' and	executes them.	 This  is  the

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     same as any other extension to ``tclsh''.

     The standard Xt command line options may appear after the	file-name,  as

	  moat file-name -width	200 -height 100

     Depending on your shell interpreter, you will probably  be	 able  to  run
     Tcl/Motif	programs  as  standalone programs. If your moat	interpreter is
     installed in say `/usr/local/bin/moat', make this the first line of  your
     executable	program:


The Motif world    [Toc]    [Back]

     In	earlier	versions than 0.8, a specialised interpreter was used, much
     like Tk's ``wish''. To conform to the new extension methods of tcl7.0,
     this was changed. Part of the result of this is that the Xt world has to
     be	explicitly brought into	existence. This	also allows the	class and
     fallback resources	to be set, and leaves hooks for	things like setting
     the application icon to be	added later to this binding.

     The three world manipulation functions added are

	  . realizeWidget
	  . mainLoop

     xtAppInitialize may take parameters of -class, -fallback_resources	and
     -options. If the class option is omitted, the binding will	deduce a class
     by	capitalising the first letter of the application name, and - if	it was
     an	`x' - also capitalising	the second letter.  The	-fallback_resources
     may be used to set	resources in case there	is no application defaults
     file or user file setting them. The -options may be used to set
     additional	application resources for later	retrieval by the root widget
     method getAppResources.

     A typical tclMotif	program	has the	structure

	  # tcl	function definitions
	  # ...

	  xtAppInitialize -class MyClass

	  # widget creation commands
	  # ...

	  . realizeWidget
	  . mainLoop

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Widget naming    [Toc]    [Back]

     Widgets are visual	objects	that exist on the screen.  They	are organised
     as	a hierarchy, with the application itself forming the root of this
     hierarchy.	 The naming of objects within this hierarchy is	similar	to the
     ``absolute	path names'' of	Unix files with	a `.' replacing	the `/'	of
     Unix.  The	application itself is known as `.'.  A Form in the application
     may be known as `.form1'.	A Label	in this	form may be `.form1.okLabel',
     and so on.	 Note that Xt requires that `.'	can only have one child
     (except for dialogs).  This naming	convention is the same as in Tk.

Widget creation    [Toc]    [Back]

     Widgets belong to classes,	such as	Label, PushButton or List.  For	each
     class there is a creation command which takes the pathName	of the object
     as	first argument with optional further arguments:

	  xmForm .form1
	  xmLabel .form1.okLabel
	  xmLabel .form1.cancelLabel \
	       -labelString "Get rid of	me"

     creates a Form `form1' as child of	`.',  and  two	Labels	`okLabel'  and
     `cancelLabel'  as	children  of `form1'. The `cancelLabel'	has additional
     arguments that set	the labelString	to "Get	rid  of	 me".  Note  that  the
     continuation  character  `\'  may	be  used to spread a line over several

     The set of	classes	generally mirrors the  Motif  set.   Some  widgets  in
     Motif  and	 Xt  are  not  accessible  from	 this binding because they are
     intended for use in inheritance only, such	as Core	 and  Primitive.   The
     types  of	widgets	 that  can be created using this include the primitive

	  xmArrowButton	- a simple arrow,
	  xmDrawnButton	- a button with	graphics in it
	  xmCascadeButton - for	use in menus
	  xmToggleButton - for on/off boxes
	  xmLabel - a fixed piece of text
	  xmText - a text editor
	  xmTextField -	a one line text	editor
	  xmSeparator -	for simple lines between objects
	  xmList - a list selector
	  xmScrollBar -	a horizontal or	vertical scrolling bar

     and the Manager widgets:

	  xmBulletinBoard - simple geometry management
	  xmRowColumn -	regular	geometry management
	  xmPanedWindow	- multiple panes separated by sashes
	  xmFrame - a 3-D border
	  xmScale - a slider on	a scale
	  xmScrolledWindow - for displaying a clip view	over an	area

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	  xmMainWindow - contains a menu bar and the main application windows
	  xmForm - for irregular geometry arrangements
	  xmMessageBox - message display area
	  xmCommand - a	command	entry area with	a history list
	  xmFileSelectionBox - selection of a file from	a list

     Motif has	two  special  commands	for  creating  a  ScrolledList	and  a
     ScrolledText.   These  commands actually create a pair of widgets:	a List
     or	Text inside a ScrolledWindow. To create	such widgets is	similar	to the
     C	binding:  the  List  (or  Text)	 widget	 name  is given. If the	parent
     ScrolledWindow is required	then you have to call the ``parent'' method on
     the List or Text widget.

	  xmForm .form1
	  xmScrolledList .form1.list2
	  [.form1.list2	parent]	setValues -attachTop attach_form

     Motif also	has convenience	functions that create  dialogs.	  These	 don't
     create  ordinary  widgets,	 but  Motif  pretends  that they do.  TclMotif
     follows this, and allows you to use commands such as

	  xmQuestionDialog .askMe

     to	create such dialogs. When you have to destroy  such  widgets,  destroy
     the parent:

	  [.askMe parent] destroy

     This set of dialogs includes:

	  xmBulletinBoardDialog	- a dialog with	arbitrary contents,  based  on

	  xmFileSelectionDialog	- a dialog based on fileSelectionBox

	  xmFormDialog - a dialog based	on form

	  xmInformationDialog -	a dialog displaying information

	  xmMessageDialog - a dialog showing a message

	  xmPromptDialog - a dialog with a prompt area

	  xmQuestionDialog - a dialog asking a question

	  xmSelectionBoxDialog - a dialog based	on selectionBox

	  xmWarningDialog - a dialog showing a warning message

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	  xmWorkingDialog - a dialog showing a busy working message

     For example, consider a rowColumn containing two labels and a pushButton,
     where the rowColumn is inside a mainWindow:

	  xmMainWindow .main
	  xmRowColumn .main.rowcol
	  xmLabel .main.rowcol.label1
	  xmLabel .main.rowcol.label2
	  xmPushButton .main.rowcol.btn

     Not all objects used in the OSF C library are supported: gadgets are  not
     supported	by TclMotif, nor are the ``simple'' menu functions.  These are
     design  decisions:	 I  don't  like	 gadgets  because  they	 place	 extra
     processing	code and complexity on the client-side Motif library, the need
     for which has been	largely	removed	by improvements	in X servers; I	 don't
     like  the	simple	menu  functions	 very much either because they are yet
     another attempt to	fix up a  complex  system  to  which  lots  of	people
     already  have  their  own	solutions,  and	it is not clear	that this is a
     ``better''	one. I doubt  if  reversal  of	these  would  cause  too  many
     problems, but I don't feel	like investigating them	yet.

Managing widgets    [Toc]    [Back]

     Before a widget can be displayed, it must be brought under	the geometry
     control of	its parent (similar to placing a Tk widget). This can be done
     by	the ``manageChild'' method of each widget, but also by an optional
     third command to each widget creation function, similar to	the
     XtCreateManagedWidget functions. For example,

	  xmLabel .l1 managed
	  xmLabel .l2
	  .l2 manageChild

Documentation    [Toc]    [Back]

     The widgets described above not only look and act the same	as the Motif
     widgets, they are the Motif widgets. So descriptions of them in any Motif
     book or reference apply. In the Motif Programmers Reference these widgets
     are described under the same names, with the initial `x' capitalised as
     in	XmPushButton.  The creation functions are prefixed by ``XmCreate'' as
     in	XmCreatePushButton.

     The TclMotif documentation	is at present incomplete. There	should be a
     man page for each widget, under the name of the widget prefixed by	``Tm''
     as	in TmPushButton.

     In	addition, there	are additional manual pages. The entry for ``moat''
     describes the interpreter that will generally be used for TclMotif.  The
     entry for TmRoot describes	the commands available for the root widget
     ``.''. Such commands usually apply	to the Xt application context.

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Widget commands    [Toc]    [Back]

     Creating a	widget actually	creates	a Tcl command known by its pathName.
     This command may be executed with at least	one parameter to either	change
     the behavior of the object	or the value of	its components,	or to get
     information about the object.  The	parameter acts like a ``method'' to
     the object, and specifies an action that it should	perform. The
     parameters	that are recognised by every object include:

	  unmanageChild	- remove the object from its parents geometry
	       management, which makes it disappear from the display

	  manageChild -	bring it back under geometry management	and make it
	       appear again

	  mapWidget - remain under geometry management,	but make it disappear

	  unmapWidget -	make it	reappear

	  realizeWidget	- create windows for the widget	and its	children
	       (usually	used only by ``.'')

	  getValues - obtain properties	of the widget

	  setValues - set properties of	the widget

	  parent - return the parent of	the widget

	  destroyWidget	- destroy the widget and all its children

	  setSensitive - change	the sensitivity	of the widget to responses to

	  callActionProc - call	an action procedure (usually used in
	       regression testing)

	  dragStart - used in drag and drop

	  dropSiteRegister - used in drag and drop

	  getGC	- return a graphics context (used for drawing in DrawingArea
	       and DrawnButton)

	  resources - return a list of all resources. Each resource is a list
	       of the resource name as used in setValues/getValues, the
	       resource	name as	known internally to Motif, the resource	class,
	       the resource type as known to Motif and the value of the
	       resource. In cases where	this value does	not make sense (eg a
	       bitmap),	a null string is returned.

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	  any string ending in ``Callback'' - register Tcl code	to be executed
	       when something happens to the widget.

     For example,

	  .form1.okLabel unmanageChild

	  .form1.okButton activateCallback \
	       {puts stdout "I was pushed into it..."}

     Unmanaging	a widget removes it from the display, and  from	 the  geometry
     management	 of  its  parent. Managing it reverses this. The other methods
     are explained later.

Other widget commands    [Toc]    [Back]

     The root widget ``.'' has a number	of commands unique to it. Generally,
     these are commands	that use the application context (moat only uses one
     application context). These commands include


     Both Text and List	have a large number of other commands due to the
     complexity	of these widgets. Other	widgets	also have special methods.
     See the manual pages for further information.

Widget resources    [Toc]    [Back]

     Each widget has a set of resources	that can be set	at creation time, set
     at	a later	time, or queried for their value. For example, an xmPushButton
     has a width and a height, a labelString that is the text that will	show
     in	it, a foreground and background	colour,	a fontList giving the set of
     fonts that	will be	used to	draw the text, and so on.

     All resource names	are prefixed by	a minus	`-' in Tcl programs, for
     consistency with the Tk widgets. On setting a value, all resources	take
     the next word as value, and on getting a value the	next word is the name
     of	a variable to  store the value in.

     On	creation, the resource/value pairs come	after the widget pathName, as

	  xmLabel .okLabel -labelType pixmap -labelPixmap xlogo32

     which sets	the labelType to pixmap	and the	labelPixmap to xlogo32.

     Resources can be set at any time using the	setValues method

	  .text	setValues -editMode editable -value "Some text"

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     which ensures that	the text widget	can be edited, and  sets  a  value  of
     "Some text".

     Resources can be obtained from the	widget	using  the  getValues  method.
     For example

	  .fileSelectionBox getValues \
	      -dirSpec file_selected \
	      -directory dir

     stores in the Tcl variable	file_selected the filename that	 was  entered,
     and  in  the  Tcl	variable dir the directory in which the	file selection

     Each widget inherits resources from superclasses. For example, Label is a
     subclass  of Primitive which in turn is a subclass	of Core.  From Core it
     inherits resources	such as	background, height and width.  From  Primitive
     it	 inherits  resources  such as foreground.  It is neccessary to look at
     these superclasses.  In addition, each class adds extra  resources.   For
     example,  Label  has  the additional resources labelType, labelPixmap and
     labelString, among	others.

     Resources are documented in  the  Tm  man	page  for  each	 widget.  This
     documentation is weak.

     Resource names can	be obtained from  the  Motif  documentation  for  each
     widget.  The  Motif  documentation	 for  each  widget has a set of	tables
     headed ``Resource Set''.  In the table of resources, the names  of	 these
     are  given	 prefixed by ``XmN'', such as XmNeditMode.  Drop the prefix to
     get the Tcl resource name.	Case is	important here.

     Resource values can also be obtained from the Motif  documentation.   For
     each resource look	at its type.  Types such as Dimension and Position are
     numeric types, and	along with int types need an integer  value.   In  the
     Tcl  program  they	 are implemented as Tcl	strings, as is everything.  In
     fact, all resource	values are Tcl strings.	 Pixmaps, for example, are the
     string  name  of  a pixmap	such as	``xlogo32''.  Pixel is a color such as
     ``blue'', or a hexadecimal	representation of the color.   Types  such  as
     the  arrowDirection  of  an  ArrowButton  form a discrete set with	values
     listed as XmARROW_UP, XmARROW_DOWN,  etc.	 For  these  types,  drop  the
     ``Xm''  and  use the rest of the string as	the value.  On setting values,
     case is not important but on getting values the string will be lower case
     for these discrete	types.

     So	for example, a pushButton may have

	  xmPushButton .btn -width 100
	  .btn setValues -labelString "Push Me"	-foreground red
	  .btn getValues -background bg
	  puts stdout "background colour is $bg"

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Callbacks    [Toc]    [Back]

     When the user does	things to a widget, it may cause the widget to take
     certain actions.  For example, when a button is pressed it	changes
     appearance	to look	pressed	in. Some of these actions can have Tcl code
     attached to them, so that the Tcl code is evaluated when the action is
     performed.	The Tcl	code is	attached to a ``callback'' by a	widget
     command.  For example, a pushButton has an	activateCallback that is
     called when the user presses and releases the left	mouse button inside
     the widget; it has	an armCallback that is called when the user presses
     the mouse button; it has a	disarmCallback that is called when the user
     releases the mouse	button inside the widget.

     Tcl code is attached to a callback	by giving it as	the second argument to
     the appropriate widget methodod. For example,

	  .btn armCallback {puts stdout	"Stop squashing	me!!!"}
	  .btn disarmCallback {puts stdout "That's better!"}

     There are two ways	of specifying the Tcl code: as above, giving  all  the
     code  as  a  single word (including a list	or a string), or as individual

	  .btn armCallback puts	stdout "Stop squashing me!!!"

     The names of the callbacks	available for a	particular widget are  derived
     from the resource documentation for the Motif widget.  Each callback ends
     with the string "Callback"	in its name.  Drop the "XmN"  from  the	 Motif
     description   to	gain   the  widget  command.   Callbacks  are  treated
     differently to  other  resources  because	the  Xt	 toolkit  treats  them
     differently  -  the  resource  is not meant to be handled directly	by any
     ordinary application.

Callback substitutions    [Toc]    [Back]

     Motif supplies information	to each	callback function that is specific to
     the widget	type.  Generally this is not of	much interest. However,	for
     some widgets such as List this is used to supply important	information,
     such as what item in the List was selected! To make this available	to the
     Tcl callback function a pattern substitution mechanism may	be used.  Any
     ``%'' followed by a word will be treated as a pattern for potential
     substitution.  For	example, ``%item'' in a	List will be replaced by the
     item selected, and	``%item_position'' will	be replaced by its position in
     the list.	An example list	callback is

	  .list	singleSelectionCallback	\
	       {print_info %item %item_position}

	  proc print_info {item	position} {
	      puts stdout "item	was $item, at position $position"

     The substitutions allowed may be found from the Motif documentation.   In

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     the  description  of  callback information	one or more structures will be
     defined. The field	names in these structures are the names	used in	 ``%''
     substitutions.  Not all of	the possibilities are implemented yet. This is
     admittedly	obscure	and not	easy to	find, so  the  TclMotif	 documentation
     needs to fix this lack. If	you feel upto reading C	code instead, the upto
     date ``list'' is found in the file	``tmExpand.c''

     Every callback supports a substitution  of	  ``%call_data''.  This	 is  a
     keyed list	of all valid values in the callback structure. It is a list of
     two-element lists,	where each two-element list consists of	 the  name  of
     the field followed	by its value. For example, for an arrowButton it could
	      {reason activate}
	      {event event-12345}
	      {click_count 1}
     (the event	value is a pointer to the Xlib data  structure	which  may  be
     used by tclMotif, but is not expected to be examined by a tcl program.)

     Some callback information is actually contained in	the event that	caused
     the  callback  to	occur. The event may be	obtained from the substitution
     %event. A tcl command ``xEvent'' may then be used to access the fields of
     the  event.  This	command	 takes	the  event  and	 an  argument which is
     identical to the Tk %  substitutions.  For	 example,  to  extract	the  x
     coordinate	from a motion event while in the callback, one could have
	  $w setValues \
	    -translations "<Motion>: action(trackit %event)"

	  proc trackit {event} {
	    set	x [xEvent $event x]
	    puts stdout	$x

Text verify callbacks    [Toc]    [Back]

     The Text widget allows special processing by the application of text
     entered.  After a character has been typed, or text pasted	in, initial
     processing	by the Text widget determines what the user is entering. This
     text is then passed to special callback functions.	These functions	can
     make copies of the	text, can alter	it, or can set a flag to say do	not
     display it. Simple	uses for this are a password entry widget that reads
     the text but does not display it (or echoes `*' instead), or text
     formatting	widgets.

     The callback mechanism for	this is	basically the same as for  other
     callbacks,	and similar sorts of substitutions are allowed.	For example,
     the term %currInsert is replaced by the current insertion position. Other
     substitutions do not give a value,	but rather give	the name of a tcl
     variable. This allows the application to change the value as required.
     The tcl variable is in the	context	of the callback	caller,	so upvar
     should be used. For example, to turn off echoing of characters, the

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     following should be done:

	  .text	modifyVerifyCallback {no_echo %doit}

	  proc no_echo {doit} {
	    upvar 1 $doit do_insert

	    set	do_insert false

     (Actually,	  the	tcl   variable	 here	is   the    global    variable
     ``_Tm_Text_Doit''.	For this reason, variables beginning with ``_Tm_'' are
     reserved for use by the TclMotif library.)

     Other substitutions that can be made in  the  modifyVerify	 callback  are
     ``ptr''  and ``length''. ``ptr'' is the string that is being entered, and
     ``length''	is its length. These may be changed by the callback procedure.
     For example, to change all	incoming text to uppercase,

	  proc allcaps {ptr length} {
	      upvar 1 $ptr p
	      upvar 1 $length l

	      if {$l ==	0} return
	      set upper	[string	toupper	$p]
	      set p $upper

	  .text	modifyVerifyCallback {allcaps %ptr %length}

Dialogs    [Toc]    [Back]

     Selection Box has a number	of component children, which may be managed or
     unmanaged by the application. If the SelectionBox was named .sel, these


     The same applies to Message Box.  These  widgets  are  often  managed  or
     unmanaged to add or remove	elements from a	dialog.	Each of	these children
     is	created	with a method  handler	appropriate  to	 the  type  of	child.
     However,  Motif  documentation  states that no assumptions	should be made
     about this	type, so you should check the  type  before  using  a  widgetspecific
  method.	 For  example,	the  ItemsList	in  a  SelectionBox is

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     currently a Motif List.  To set the selectedPosition, one can use a  List
	  xmSelectionBox .selBox managed
	  selBox.ItemsList setValues \
	      -items {a	b c d} \
	      -itemCount 4

	  if {[.selBox.ItemsList class]	== "XmList"} {
	      .selBox.ItemsList	selectPosition 4 false

     Whatever the type,	the set	of methods of the  tclMotif  Core  widget  are
     supported.	   In	 particular,	the    methods	 ``manageChild''   and
     ``unmanageChild'' are available.

Actions    [Toc]    [Back]

     Actions may be added to a widget in a similar way to the C	version. In
     that you define an	action in a translation	table which is set in the
     widget. You then have to register the action with the toolkit so that it
     is	attached to a C	function. In this binding, the tcl code	is placed as
     the arguments to the action in the	translation table. Registering the
     action links a generic action handler which in turn will handle the tcl
     code. Here	is what	it looks like to add an	action to make an arrow	turn
     left or right when	`l' or `r' is pressed:

	  xmArrowButton	.arrow managed

	  .arrow setValues -translations \
	       "<Key>r:	action(arrow_direction %w arrow_right) \n\
		   <Key>l: action(\"arrow_direction %w arrow_left\")"

	  proc arrow_direction {arrow direction} {
	    puts stdout	"Changing direction to $direction"
	    $arrow setValues -arrowDirection $direction

     The pattern ``%w''	is substituted for the name of the  tcl	 widget.  More
     substitutions may be added	in later (eg for x, y).

Examples    [Toc]    [Back]

     A number of examples are in the programs directory. Those with `DH' in
     them duplicate the	examples in Dan	Heller's ``Motif Programming Manual'',
     O'Reilly &	Associates Inc.	Those that are just numbered are undocumented
     test programs. They may not behave	in a nice way, but that	doesn't	matter
     too much.

     The following example is in the programs directory	as progEG.  The
     typical structure of a Motif program is that the top-level	object is a

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     mainWindow. This holds a menu bar,	and a container	object such as a form
     or	a rowColumn which in turn holds	the rest of the	application objects.
     So	a mainWindow with a list and some buttons in a form would be created

	  xtAppInitialize -class Example

	  xmMainWindow .main
	  xmForm .main.form
	  xmList .main.form.list
	  xmPushButton .main.form.btn1
	  xmPushButton .main.form.btn2

     The form acts as what is called the  ``workWindow''  of  the  mainWindow.
     This resource would be set	by

	  .main	setValues -workWindow .main.form

     Values would also be set into the list and	buttons:

	  .main.form.list setValues \
	       -itemCount 3 \
	       -items "one two three" \
	       -selectionPolicy	single_select
	  .main.form.btn1 setValues -labelString Quit
	  .main.form.btn2 setValues -labelString "Do nothing"

     Behaviour would be	set by a callback function

	  .main.form.btn1 activateCallback {exit 0}
	  .main.form.list singleSelectionCallback {puts	stdout "Selected %item"}

     Geometry would be set for the form, to put	the objects in	their  correct
     relation  to  each	 other.	Suppose	this is	the list on the	left, with the
     two buttons one under the other on	the right:

	  .main.form.list setValues \
	       -topAttachment attach_form \
	       -leftAttachment attach_form \
	       -bottomAttachment attach_form
	  .main.form.btn1 setValues \
	       -topAttachment attach_form \
	       -leftAttachment attach_widget \
	       -leftWidget .main.form.list
	  .main.form.btn2 setValues \
	       -topAttachment attach_widget \
	       -topWidget .main.form.btn1 \
	       -leftAttachment attach_widget \
	       -leftWidget .main.form.list

     Finally, windows are created and the main event loop is entered:

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	  . realizeWidget
	  . mainLoop

Menus    [Toc]    [Back]

     Motif supports three types	of menus: pulldown menus, popup	menus and
     option menus. It does so with a set of basic menu functions and an
     additional	set of ``convenience'' functions. tclMotif supports the	basic
     functions but not the convenience ones, since each	author uses their own
     convenience functions and I am not	convinced that the Motif ones are the

     Pulldown menus    [Toc]    [Back]
     Pulldown menus need a MenuBar to hold the set of buttons.	These buttons
     must be cascade buttons.  From these are created PulldownMenu widgets,
     which are parented	from the MenuBar.  To establish	the link between a
     cascade button and	its corresponding pulldown menu, the resource
     subMenuId must be set on the cascade buton	to be the pulldown menu.  The
     pulldown menu can contain any menu	widgets	such as	push buttons, with
     their associated callbacks.

	  xmMenuBar .main.menuBar managed
	  xmCascadeButton .main.menuBar.file managed \
		  -labelString File \
		  -mnemonic F
	  xmCascadeButton .main.menuBar.edit managed \
		  -labelString Edit \
		  -mnemonic E
	  xmCascadeButton .main.menuBar.help managed \
		   -labelString	Help \
		  -mnemonic H

	  # file pulldown
	  xmPulldownMenu .main.menuBar.fileMenu
	  xmPushButton .main.menuBar.fileMenu.new managed \
		  -labelString "New..."	\
		  -mnemonic N
	  xmPushButton .main.menuBar.fileMenu.quit managed \
		   -labelString	Quit \
		  -mnemonic Q
	  .main.menuBar.file setValues -subMenuId .main.menuBar.fileMenu

     Popup menus    [Toc]    [Back]
     Popup menus are posted either from	 a  keyboard  accelerator  or  from  a
     button  3	press  over  a widget. A popup menu is created by the function
     xmPopupMenu.  A   keyboard	  accelerator	is   set   by	the   resource
     menuAccelerator  for  this	widget.	 A button 3 press is easiest set up by
     adding an action to this button press that	calls a	menu  popup  function.
     This  function  should  first  call  the  popup  menu  widget  method  of
     menuPosition with one argument: the event that caused  the	 popup.	  This
     event  can	 be  found by the action substitution %event.  After this, the
     popup menu	can be managed.	Both methods are shown by this example:

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	  proc popIt {event} {
	      .fred.menu menuPosition $event
	      .fred.menu manageChild

	  xtAppInitialize -class Program

	  xmLabel .fred	managed	-labelString "ctrl-p or	Btn3Down popups	from me"
	  .fred	setValues -translations	\
		  "<Btn3Down>: action(popIt %event)"

	  xmPopupMenu .fred.menu -menuAccelerator "Ctrl	<Key> p"
	  xmPushButton .fred.menu.btn1 managed
	  xmPushButton .fred.menu.btn2 managed

	  . realizeWidget

	  . mainLoop

     Option menus    [Toc]    [Back]
     An	option menu is made up	of  a  PulldownMenu  that  is  populated  with
     buttons  to give the alternative options. The option label	is formed from
     an	OptionMenu, with the labelString resource set to  the  label  showing,
     and the subMenuId set to the PulldownMenu.
	  # option menu

	  xtAppInitialize -class Program

	  xmRowColumn .rc managed

	  xmPulldownMenu .rc.pulldown1
	  xmPushButton .rc.pulldown1.options1 managed \
	      -labelString "value 1"

	  xmPushButton .rc.pulldown1.options2 managed \
	      -labelString "value 2"

	  xmOptionMenu .rc.option1 managed \
	      -labelString "Option set"	\
	      -subMenuId .rc.pulldown1

     Tear-off menus Pulldown and Popup menu panes can be  made	into  tear-off
     menus   by	 specifying  the  resource  tearOffModel  to  have  the	 value
     tear_off_enabled at the time of  creation.	 They  then  show  a  tear-off
     button  as	 a dotted line in the menu pane. Clicking on this with BSelect
     tears off the menu	in place; dragging on this with	 BDrag	will  tear-off
     the menu and drag it elsewhere.

     When a menu is a tear-off menu, an	 additional  button  is	 created  with
     separator-like  behaviour.	 This  button  has  a  pathname	made up	of the
     rowcolumn's name followed by ``.TearOffControl''.	For example,
	  xmPulldownMenu .main.menuBar.fileMenu	\

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		  -tearOffModel	tear_off_enabled

		  -foreground red -background black

Drag and Drop    [Toc]    [Back]

     Drag and drop was introduced into Motif 1.2. It is	complicated. We	shall
     first look	at the drop side. A widget has to first	register itself	as a
     drop site,	so that	when an	attempt	is made	to drop	something on it, it
     will try to handle	it. This registration is done by the widget method
     ``dropSiteRegister''. This	registration must include tcl code to be
     executed when a drop is attempted,	and this is done using the resource
     ``dropProc''. The first part of what makes	D&D hard is that you have
     potentially two different applications attempting to communicate, one
     dropping and the other accepting the drop.	A protocol is needed between
     these, so that they share a common	language. This is done in registration
     by	saying what types of protocol are used,	and how	many there are.	This
     is	done using X atoms, and	the major ones are ``COMPOUND_TEXT'', ``TEXT''
     and ``STRING''.  Thus registration	 by the	drop site widget is done, for
     example, by

	  .l dropSiteRegister \
		  -dropProc {startDrop %dragContext} \
		  -numImportTargets 1 \
		  -importTargets COMPOUND_TEXT

     This allows `.l' to be used as a drop site,  accepting  ``COMPOUND_TEXT''
     only.   Multiple  types  are  allowed,  using the Motif list structure of
     elements separated	by commas as in	"COMPOUND_TEXT,	TEXT, STRING".	When a
     drop  occurs, the procedure ``startDrop'' is called, with one substituted
     parameter.	This parameter is a ``dragContext'', which is a	widget created
     to	 by  Motif  to handle the drag part of all this. You must include this
     parameter,	or the next stage doesn't get  off the ground.

     When a drag actually occurs, Motif	creates	a dragContext widget.  A  drag
     is	 started  by holding down the middle button in a drag source, which is
     discussed later. The dragContext widget contains  information  about  the
     drag  source,  which  is  to be matched up	against	where the drop occurs.
     When the drop occurs, by releasing	  the  middle  button,	the  tcl  code
     registered	 as  dropProc  is  executed.  This should have the dragContext
     widget as parameter.  This	code may try to	determine if the  drop	should
     go	 ahead,	 but  more  normally will just act as a	channel	through	to the
     actual information	transfer.  Still  here?	 Good.	The  dragProc  doesn't
     actually  do  the information transfer, it	just determines	whether	or not
     it	is possible, and if it is, what	protocols should be used, and how.

     The drop receiver may decide that it wants	 something  encoded  as	 TEXT,
     followed  by something encoded as COMPOUND_TEXT, and then by something in
     STRING format (beats me why, though...). it signals this by a (Tcl)  list
     of	dropTransfer pairs, consisting of the protocol (as an X	atom name) and
     the widget	that is	being dropped on. Huh? Why the widget  that  is	 being
     dropped on? Because when a	drop on	a widget takes place, this is actually

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     dealt with	by the dragContext widget, and	this  is  about	 to  hand  the
     transfer  over to a transferWidget. Yes, I	know you are using Tcl because
     you couldn't handle triple	indirections (or rather, don't want to!),  but
     they occur	anyway... So here is a simple dragProc:

	  proc startDrop {dragContext} {
	    $dragContext dropTransferStart \
		  -dropTransfers {{COMPOUND_TEXT .l}} \
		  -numDropTransfers 1 \
		  -transferProc	{doTransfer %closure {%value}}

     The dragContext widget uses the command dropTransferStart to  signal  the
     beginning of the information transfer (it could also signal that the drop
     is	to terminate, with no information transfer).  It will accept one chunk
     of	 information  in  the COMPOUND_TEXT format, and	pass this on to	the .l
     widget.  The information transfer is  actually  carried  on  by  the  Tcl
     procedure	in  the	 transferProc  resource.  The  only  formats currently
     accepted (because they are	hard-coded into	TclMotif)  are	COMPOUND_TEXT,
     TEXT and STRING.

     The transferProc resource is a function that  is  called  when  the  drop
     receiver actually gets the	information dropped on it. This	should take at
     least  two	 parameters.  The  %value  is  substituted  for	  the	actual
     information  dropped  on  it,  and	 %closure is the second	element	in the
     dropTransfer list which should be the widget the drop  is	happening  on.
     (Why  not	let  TclMotif  determine this? I dunno.	Consistency with Motif
     doco? Brain damage	late at	night?)	Then the dropped on  widget  can  take
     suitable  action.	This  function resets the label	to the text dropped on

	  proc doTransfer {destination value} {
	    $destination setValues -labelString	$value

     where destination is substituted by %closure and value by %value.

     So	much for the drop site,	receiving widget. On the other side, a	widget
     has to prepared to	act as a drag source and then to send information when

     A drag action is commenced	 (according  to	 the  Motif  Style  Guide)  by
     dragging Button Two in the	widget.	To get this behaviour, the translation
     table for the widget has to  have	the  Button2  action  overriden.   For

	  xmScrollBar .sb managed \
	    -translations "#override <Btn2Down>: action(startDrag %w)"

     This will call the	application defined ``startDrag''  function  with  the
     widget  as	argument. The purpose of this function is to call the ``drag''
     method for	that widget:

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	  proc startDrag {w} {
	    $w dragStart \
	      -exportTargets COMPOUND_TEXT \
	      -numExportTargets	1 \
	      -convertProc {dragConvertProc %w %type %value}

     This states  that	it  is	only  prepared	to  send  a  message  of  type
     ``COMPOUND_TEXT'',	  and  when  the toolkit requires the dropped value it
     will call the application defined function	``dragConvertProc'' with three
     parameters:  the widget, the data-type that is to be transferred, and the
     data value	to  be	transferred.  These  last  two	are  modified  by  the
     function,	so  are	actually variables in the parent's context. These have
     to	be modified using upvar.

     For example, to send the value of a slider	widget as  COMPOUND_TEXT,  the
     ``dragConvertProc'' would be:

	  proc dragConvertProc {w type value} {
	    upvar 1 $type t
	    upvar 1 $value v

	    $w getValues -value	v
	    set	t COMPOUND_TEXT

     tclMotif has builtin  support  for	 drops	of  three  data	 types:	 TEXT,
     COMPOUND_TEXT  and	 STRING. These form a large majority of	the data types
     that may be dropped onto a	widget.	However,  there	 may  be  others.   To
     allow  for	 this,	tclMotif has a procedure Tm_InstallDropType that takes
     three parameters: a tcl interpreter, a string that	will  be  used	as  an
     Atom to label a datatype, and a function of type
	  char *(*) ()
     When a function is	registered by using this command, it must  be  capable
     of	 transforming the datatype into	a string, which	it returns as value of
     the function. If this method is used, it should be	added  using  the  tcl
     extension techniques.

Send    [Toc]    [Back]

     Tk	has a primitive	called ``send''. In this, each interpreter has a name,
     and you can send tcl commands from	one interpreter	to another. When an
     interpreter receives a sent command it executes it, and returns any
     result back to the	original interpreter. This mechanism is	also available
     to	TclMotif, so that Motif	applications can set commands to other Motif
     applications, and also to and from	Tk ones.

     If	a TclMotif application succeeds	in registering its name, from then on,
     it	can send to another. For example,

	  send interp2 {puts stdout "hello there"}

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     instructs ``interp2'' to display a	message.

     Similarly,	 once  the  ``send''  command  has   been   registered,	  this
     application can be	sent commands from other applications. The name	of the
     interpreter is the	```title''  resource  of  the  top-level  widget  `.'.
     Generally	this  will  be	the  same  as the application name, but	may be
     changed in	two ways:  first the ``title''	resource  may  have  been  set
     explicitly.   Secondly,   ``send''	  requires   a	unique	name  for  the
     interpreter, so if	an application is already running with that  title,  a
     ``#2'',  or  ``#3'', etc will be apended to the title until it is unique.
     This is not really	satisfactory, but is the way that Tk does it.

Xlib Drawing    [Toc]    [Back]

     Motif only	uses two widgets for Xlib style	drawing: the DrawnButton and
     the DrawingArea. tclMotif allows drawing into these widgets, and does not
     allow drawing into	other types of widget.

     At	present, the drawing functions are limited to XDrawImageString,	using
     the method	``drawImageString''. This requires use of a graphics context.
     A graphics	context	is first obtained by the call
	  $w getGC -foreground fg -background
     Any widget	can be used for	this, but typically the	drawing	widget will be

     Given a graphics context, text can	be drawn by
	  $w drawImageString gc	x y text

Modal dialogs    [Toc]    [Back]

     Dialogs in	Motif are modeless by default. A dialog	can be made modal by
     using the BulletinBoard resource dialogStyle which	can be set to values
     such as ``dialog_full_application_modal''.	This makes the dialog modal
     for the application, so that the dialog has to be completed before	any
     interaction can occur with	the rest of the	application. Here
     ``completed'' means that the dialog must be unmanaged or destroyed.

     There is a	serious	difficulty in making dialogs modal: the	modality is
     enforced by Xt, so	that control must pass to Xt so	that it	can make the
     dialog modal. This	usually	means that no application code can follow
     setting the dialog	resource, because control must pass back to the	Xt
     event main	loop.

     The problem here is that this is often what the programmer	explicitly
     does not want to do. A typical piece of code using	modality is to ask a
     question such as ``remove file'' and use a	modal dialog to	wait for the
     answer and	use it to determine what to do next. To	allow this type	of
     use, the application has to use its own event loop, and this is done by
     the `root'	widget command ``processEvent''	which handles one event	at a

     A modal piece of code sets	up a loop around the ``processEvent'' method.

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     This loop is controlled by	a Boolean flag which is	initially true.	 When
     the flag is set to	false the loop terminates. The loop is typically set
     to	false by pressing the various buttons in the dialog.  For example

	  proc ask {parent question} {
	      global stillModal
	      global answer

	      xmQuestionDialog $parent.dialog managed \
	       -messageString $question	\
	       -dialogStyle dialog_full_application_modal

	      $parent.dialog okCallback	{set stillModal	0; set answer 1}
	      $parent.dialog cancelCallback {set stillModal 0; set answer 0}

	      set stillModal 1
	      while {$stillModal} {
	       . processEvent
	      $parent.dialog destroyWidget

     This can then be used in normal sequential	code

	  if {ask $w "remove $file"} {
	      exec rm $file

Additional toplevel shells    [Toc]    [Back]

     Additional	toplevel shells	may be created using the command
     topLevelShell.  This shell	may use	any widget for its parent.  In order
     to	make this shell	visible, it must be popped up.
	  xmLabel .label managed \
	      -labelString "label in app shell"
	  topLevelShell	.toplevel
	  xmLabel .toplevel.label managed \
	      -labelString "label in toplevel"

     Do	not atttempt to	manage the toplevel shell - this will place  it	 under
     the  geometry  control  of	its parent, so that when the parent resizes so
     will the shell! While this	can produce some visually  intriguing  effects
     it	is probably not	what is	desired, as well as breaking Xt	rules.

Extending moat    [Toc]    [Back]

     From Tcl 7.0 onwards, a standard method was set up	to allow extensions to
     be	made in	a consistent manner. tclMotif follows this extension method.
     The method	allows for open-ended extensions so that further extensions
     can be made to moat. You need access to the tcl library and also to the
     tclMotif library.

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     Tcl expects a C function Tcl_AppInit() to be defined. This	function
     should contain initialisation statements for each extension. In the case
     of	tclMotif this function must contain a call to
     The prototype for this function is	in tm.h, so this should	be included as

     To	perform	your own extension,  write  your  own  Tcl_AppInit()  function
     based  on	any  existing ones as a	template, including the	above line and
     any similar code for the other extensions.	Then  compile  and  link  this
     with the tcl and extension	libraries.

     To	add in additional widgets, see a later section for an easier way to do

Keyboard traversal    [Toc]    [Back]

     Keyboard traversal	is normally handled automatically by Motif.  Sometimes
     it	is necessary for the application to reset the keyboard focus to	a
     particular	widget or to the ``next'' widget in a set.  The	widgets	are
     grouped in	sets called ``tab groups'' by Motif.  Tab group	manipulation
     has not been added	to tclMotif (at	version	1.0).

     Keyboard focus may	be set using the method	``processTraversal'' which
     takes a single argument. This may take values such	as ``next'', ``up'',
     ``right'' to move to a suitable widget.

Application icons    [Toc]    [Back]

     Toplevel widgets such as the application widget can have an icon attached
     to	them so	that it	is shown when the application is iconified.  This is
     done using	the resource iconPixmap	for the	toplevel widget.  The value of
     the resource is a filename	containing the pixmap definition.  This	file
     may be found in a large set of directories	such as	the current directory
     or	/usr/lib/X11/bitmaps. The full set - and the environment variables
     that control this set - is	documented in the Motif	call XmGetPixmap().

Automated testing    [Toc]    [Back]

     Tcl uses an automated test	system that can	run regression tests on	a
     system.  it does so by ``sourcing'' a file	containing a set of test
     procedures, including a procedure called ``test''.	This takes 4
     arguments:	the first is the name of the test, the second is a textual
     description of the	test, the third	is the code to execute to perform the
     test, and the last	is the expected	result.	The ``test'' procedure runs
     the test and if the actual	result differs from the	expected one, an error
     message is	printed.

     This mechanism is used well for the tcl core. It is also used for Tk, but
     with less success:	while good for batch mode testing, it does not handle
     the interactive nature of GUI environments. To perform batch mode testing
     in	such environments, one needs to	be able	to create input	events to

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     simulate an interactive user.

     One approach is to	create raw X events and	to feed	them directly into the
     Xt	event loop handler. This requires a very low-level knowledge of	what
     is	going on, and anyway does not reflect the object structure of the Xt
     toolkit. Each widget defines a set	of ``actions'' that are	intended to be
     the ``public'' interface of that widget. This is the hook that the
     tclMotif test procedures use to extend the	tcl testing into this GUI

     A command for any widget is ``callActionProc''. This takes	an argument
     which is the name of the action for the widget. For example, a button has
     an	Arm action, so this can	be invoked by

	  .btn callActionProc Arm()

     This will perform the visual behaviour for	this action, and also call any
     callbacks associated with this action.

     This sends	(by default) a ClientMessage event to the widget. Most widgets
     ignore  the  event,  so  this  is sufficient.  Some actions require event
     detail, though. For example, when a  mouse	 button	 release  occurs,  the
     widget  checks  to	 see  if  the  release	occurred inside	or outside the
     widget. It	does this  because  if	the  event  occurs  inside,  then  the
     callbacks	attached  to  the Activate() action are	invoked, but otherwise
     they  are	not.   To  handle  this,  an  event   of   type	  ButtonPress,
     ButtonRelease,  KeyPress  or  KeyRelease can be prepared with some	fields

     For tests,	this means that	you cannot just	issue an Activate action.  You
     do	have to	prepare	an X button event to the extent	of setting the x and y
     coordinates so that the internal Motif function can determine whether  or
     not to invoke the callbacks. This looks like:

	  .btn callActionProc Activate \
	      -type ButtonPress	\
	      -x 0 -y 0

     to	be within the widget, or

	  .btn getValues -width	w -height h
	  set big_h [expr {2 * $h}]
	  set big_w [expr {2 * $w}]
	  .btn callActionProc Activate \
	      -type ButtonPress	\
	      -x $big_w	-y $big_h

     to	be outside the widget.

     Some of the Text manipulation actions require a KeyPress event,  such  as
     ``self-insert()'',	 which inserts the character pressed. The character is

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     actually encoded as a keycode, which is a hardware	 dependant  code,  too
     low-level	for  this binding. To prepare such an event, this toolkit uses
     keysyms  which  are  abstractions	for  each  type	 of  key  symbol.  The
     alphanumerics  have  simple representations as themselves (`a', `A', `2',
     etc). Others have symbolic	 names	(`space',  `Tab',  `BackSpace',	 etc).
     These   are   derived  from  the  X  Reference  manual  or	 in  the  file
     <X11/keysymdefs.h>	by removing the	prefix ``XK_''.

     For example, to insert the	three characters `A a' into .text

	  .text	callActionProc self-insert() \
		  -type	KeyPress \
		  -keysym A
	  .text	callActionProc self-insert() \
		  -type	KeyPress \
		  -keysym space
	  .text	callActionProc self-insert() \
		  -type	KeyPress \
		  -keysym a

     The set of	actions	that require this level	of preparation of the X	 event
     is	 nowhere  documented explicitly. You have to read between the lines of
     the Motif documentation, or guess at  behaviour  (or  read	 Motif	source

Adding widgets    [Toc]    [Back]

     [All the methods described	in this	section	are new	and a bit
     experimental.  If there are any problems, please let me know.]

     tclMotif has support for the widget set supplied in the Motif toolkit.
     There are an increasing number of Motif-compatable	widgets	becoming
     available from third party	sources. To add	any of these involves adding
     appropriate C code	to tclMotif.

     The file tmExtern.c contains some data structures that would have to be
     changed, and some skeleton	code to	assist in more complex tasks.  You
     should make a copy	of this	file and either	use it to replace the supplied
     tmExtern.c	in each	future release of tclMotif, or ensure that your
     version of	this file is linked into each application before the supplied

     The array Tm_ExternCommands can be	used to	add additional commands	to
     tclMotif. It is an	array of type Tm_Cmd, which is a structure The
     elements of this structure	are
	  The string that is the widget	creation name
	  The  C function that is used to actually create the widget
	  The C	function that is used to process the commands/methods issued
	  to the new widget
     If	there is nothing special about creating	this widget, make the second
     element of	this array Tm_AnyCmd.  If the widget has no special methods of
     its own, make the third element of	this array Tm_AnyWidgetCmd.

								       Page 23

tclMotif(3Tm)							 tclMotif(3Tm)

     For example,
	  Tm_Cmd Tm_ExternCommands[] = {
	      {"htmlWidget",	 Tm_AnyCmd,	   Tm_AnyWidgetCmd},
	      {"myWidget",	 MyCreateCmd,	   MyWidgetCmd},
	      {(char *)	NULL,	 (int (*)()) NULL, (Tm_WidgetCmdProc) NULL}
     adds in two more commands,	``htmlWidget''	and  ``myWidget'',  where  the
     htmlWidget	has no special creation	requirements and no additional methods
     to	the Core widget. On the	other hand, myWidget has both special  purpose
     creation  requirements  and  additional methods, so needs custom creation
     and method	functions. A skeleton for these	two functions is  supplied  in
     the file tmExtern.c

     In	addition the array Tm_ExternCommandToClass contains a mapping from the
     tcl  widget  creation  command to the Xt class. This is used by Tm_AnyCmd
     and also by the String to WidgetClass converter. The first	entry in  this
     is	 the  widget creation string, and the second entry is a	pointer	to the
     Xt	class. For example,
	  Tm_CommandToClassType	Tm_ExternCommandToClass[] = {

	       * Example: the Mosaic html widget:
		  {"htmlWidget", &htmlWidgetClass},

	       * array terminator - do not remove or
	       * place anything	after this
	      {NULL, NULL}

     Additional	widgets	will have their	own callbacks, and will	probably  have
     a callback	structure associated to	each. To allow `%' substitutions to be
     used   in	 callback   code   for	  these	   widgets,    the    function
     Tm_ExternExpandPercent  (in  tmExtern.c)  may  be modified	to add in such

     You will finally need to make a  change  to  the  Imakefile  in  the  src
     directory,	by setting the variables EXTRA_WIDGETS_INCLUDE to point	to the
     include directory and EXTRA_WIDGETS_LIB 

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