blanktime(3G) blanktime(3G)
blanktime - sets the screen blanking timeout
void blanktime(long count)
count expects the number of graphics timer events after which to blank
the current screen. The frequency of graphics timer events is
returned by the getgdesc inquiry GD_TIMERHZ.
By default, a screen blanks (turns black) after the system receives no
input for 10-15 minutes. This protects the monitor. Use blanktime to
change the amount of time the system waits before it blanks a screen. It
affects the screen on which the current window is displayed.
To calculate the value of count, simply multiply the desired blanking
latency period (in seconds) by getgdesc(GD_TIMERHZ).
You can disable screen blanking by calling this routine with a count of
This routine is available only in immediate mode.
blankscreen, getgdesc
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