seek(3Tcl) seek(3Tcl)
seek - Change the access position for an open file
seek fileId offset ?origin?
Change the current access position for fileId. FileId must have been the
return value from a previous call to open, or it may be stdin, stdout, or
stderr to refer to one of the standard I/O channels. The offset and
origin arguments specify the position at which the next read or write
will occur for fileId. Offset must be an integer (which may be negative)
and origin must be one of the following:
The new access position will be offset bytes from the start of the
The new access position will be offset bytes from the current access
position; a negative offset moves the access position backwards in
the file.
end The new access position will be offset bytes from the end of the
file. A negative offset places the access position before the endof-file,
and a positive offset places the access position after the
The origin argument defaults to start. This command returns an empty
access position, file, seek
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