leftbuffer(3G) leftbuffer(3G)
leftbuffer, rightbuffer - enables and disables drawing to the left/right
void leftbuffer(Boolean bool)
void rightbuffer(Boolean bool)
bool is either TRUE or FALSE.
TRUE enables updating the left/right buffer.
FALSE disables updating the left/right buffer.
By default, leftbuffer is TRUE and rightbuffer is FALSE.
The normal framebuffer can be configured for stereo buffering (see
stereobuffer). When this is done in single buffer mode, two color
buffers are created, one for the left-eye view and one for the right-eye
view. When this is done in double buffer mode, four color buffers are
created: front-left, front-right, back-left, and back-right. In single
buffer mode leftbuffer controls whether drawing is enabled in the left
buffer, and rightbuffer controls whether drawing is enabled in the right
buffer. In double buffer mode, the front-left buffer is enabled for
drawing if both frontbuffer and leftbuffer are true, and the back-left
buffer is enabled for drawing if backbuffer and leftbuffer are true.
Likewise, the front-right buffer is enabled for drawing if both
frontbuffer and rightbuffer are true, and the back-right buffer is
enabled if both backbuffer and rightbuffer are true.
leftbuffer and rightbuffer are ignored when the normal buffer is not
configured for stereo buffering.
leftbuffer and rightbuffer should be called only while the draw mode is
After each call to gconfig, leftbuffer is enabled and rightbuffer is
backbuffer, frontbuffer, monobuffer, stereobuffer
IRIS-4D G, GT, GTX, VGX, and VGXT models, the Personal Iris, Indigo
Entry, Indy, XL, XS, XS24, XZ, Elan and Extreme systems do not support
leftbuffer or rightbuffer.
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leftbuffer(3G) leftbuffer(3G)
At most four color buffers, such as front-left, front-right, back-left,
back-right, and zdraw, can be rendered into simultaneously on the IRIS-4D
RealityEngine model.
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