rename(3Tcl) rename(3Tcl)
rename - Rename or delete a command
rename oldName newName
Rename the command that used to be called oldName so that it is now
called newName. If newName is an empty string then oldName is deleted.
The rename command returns an empty string as result.
command, delete, rename
rename - rename a file
integer function rename (from, to)
character*(*) from, to
From must be the pathname of an existing file. To will become the new
pathname for the file. If to exists, then both from and to must be the
same type of file, and must reside on the same filesystem. If to exists,
it will be removed first.
The returned value will be 0 if successful; a system error code
rename(2), perror(3F)
Pathnames can be no longer than MAXPATHLEN as defined in <sys/param.h>.
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