PXFRENAME(3F) Last changed: 1-6-98
PXFRENAME - Renames a file
CHARACTER*n oldnm, newnm
INTEGER lenold, lennew, ierror
CALL PXFRENAME(oldnm, lenold, newnm, lennew, ierror)
UNICOS, UNICOS/mk, and IRIX systems
IEEE standard interface for FORTRAN 77
On IRIX systems, this routine is in libfortran.so which is linked by
default when compiling programs with the MIPSpro 7 Fortran 90 compiler
or when compiling programs with the -craylibs option to the MIPSpro
7.2 F77 compiler.
The PXFRENAME routine uses the rename() function to change the name of
a file.
When using the CF90 compiler or MIPSpro 7 Fortran 90 compiler on
UNICOS, UNICOS/mk, or IRIX systems, all arguments must be of default
kind unless documented otherwise. On UNICOS and UNICOS/mk, default
kind is KIND=8 for integer, real, complex, and logical arguments; on
IRIX, the default kind is KIND=4.
The following is a list of valid arguments for this routine:
oldnm An input character variable or array element containing the
current file name.
lenold An input integer variable containing the length of oldnm in
characters. If lenold is zero, all trailing blanks are
removed before calling rename.
newnm An input character variable or array element containing the
new name of the file.
lennew An input integer variable containing the length of newnm in
characters. If lennew is zero, all trailing blanks are
removed before calling rename.
ierror An output integer variable that contains zero if the
renaming of the file was successful or nonzero if the
renaming of the file was not completed.
In addition to the errors returned by rename(2) system call, PXFRENAME
may return the following errors:
EINVAL If lenold < 0 or lenold > LEN(old) or lennew < 0 or lennew >
ENOMEM If PXFRENAME is unable to obtain memory to copy oldnm or
program test
character*(12) filea, fileb
integer lenfila, lenfilb,ierr
filea = 'oldname'
fileb = 'newname'
lenfila = 0
lenfilb = 0
call pxfrename(filea,lenfila,fileb,lenfilb,ierr)
if (ierr.ne.0) then
print *,'FAIL: error from pxfrename = ',ierr
print *,'PASS: No error from pxfrename = '
Application Programmer's Library Reference Manual, publication SR2165,
for the printed version of this man page.
PXFRENAME(3F) Last changed: 1-6-98
PXFRENAME - Renames a file
CHARACTER*n oldnm, newnm
INTEGER lenold, lennew, ierror
CALL PXFRENAME(oldnm, lenold, newnm, lennew, ierror)
UNICOS, UNICOS/mk, and IRIX systems
IEEE standard interface for FORTRAN 77
On IRIX systems, this routine is in libfortran.so which is linked by
default when compiling programs with the MIPSpro 7 Fortran 90 compiler
or when compiling programs with the -craylibs option to the MIPSpro
7.2 F77 compiler.
The PXFRENAME routine uses the rename() function to change the name of
a file.
When using the CF90 compiler or MIPSpro 7 Fortran 90 compiler on
UNICOS, UNICOS/mk, or IRIX systems, all arguments must be of default
kind unless documented otherwise. On UNICOS and UNICOS/mk, default
kind is KIND=8 for integer, real, complex, and logical arguments; on
IRIX, the default kind is KIND=4.
The following is a list of valid arguments for this routine:
oldnm An input character variable or array element containing the
current file name.
lenold An input integer variable containing the length of oldnm in
characters. If lenold is zero, all trailing blanks are
removed before calling rename.
newnm An input character variable or array element containing the
new name of the file.
lennew An input integer variable containing the length of newnm in
characters. If lennew is zero, all trailing blanks are
removed before calling rename.
ierror An output integer variable that contains zero if the
renaming of the file was successful or nonzero if the
renaming of the file was not completed.
In addition to the errors returned by rename(2) system call, PXFRENAME
may return the following errors:
EINVAL If lenold < 0 or lenold > LEN(old) or lennew < 0 or lennew >
ENOMEM If PXFRENAME is unable to obtain memory to copy oldnm or
program test
character*(12) filea, fileb
integer lenfila, lenfilb,ierr
filea = 'oldname'
fileb = 'newname'
lenfila = 0
lenfilb = 0
call pxfrename(filea,lenfila,fileb,lenfilb,ierr)
if (ierr.ne.0) then
print *,'FAIL: error from pxfrename = ',ierr
print *,'PASS: No error from pxfrename = '
Application Programmer's Library Reference Manual, publication SR2165,
for the printed version of this man page.
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