patch(3G) patch(3G)
patch - draws a surface patch
void patch(geomx, geomy, geomz)
Matrix geomx, geomy, geomz;
geomx expects the 4x4 matrix which contains the x coordinates of the 16
control points of the patch.
geomy expects the 4x4 matrix which contains the y coordinates of the 16
control points of the patch.
geomz expects the 4x4 matrix which contains the z coordinates of the 16
control points of the patch.
patch draws a surface patch using the current patchbasis, patchprecision,
and patchcurves which are defined earlier. The control points geomx,
geomy, geomz determine the shape of the patch.
The patch is drawn as a web of curve segments. Each curve segment is
approximated by a sequence of straight lines. All lines use the current
linestyle, which is reset prior to the first line of each curve segment,
and continues through subsequent lines in each curve segment. Other line
modes, including depthcueing, line width, and line antialiasing, also
apply to the lines generated by patch.
defbasis, patchbasis, patchcurves, patchprecision, rpatch
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