_NRM2(3F) _NRM2(3F)
dnrm2, snrm2, zdnrm2, csnrm2 - BLAS level ONE Euclidean norm functions.
double precision dnrm2( n, x, incx )
integer incx, n
double precision x( 1 )
real snrm2( n, x, incx )
integer incx, n
real x( 1 )
double precision zdnrm2( n, x, incx )
integer incx, n
complex*16 x( 1 )
real csnrm2( n, x, incx )
integer incx, n
complex x( 1 )
DNRM2, SNRM2, ZDNRM2, CSNRM2 compute the Euclidean norm of the vector X
of length N and increment INCX.
nrm2 <--- Sqrt ( Sum( X(i)**2 ) ) DNRM2 and SNRM2
nrm2 <--- Sqrt ( Sum( conjg( X(i) ) * X(i) ) ) DZNRM2 and SCNRM2
C.L. Lawson, linpack, 1/08/78.
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