noise(3G) noise(3G)
noise - filters valuator (mouse, cursor, and GL timer) motion
void noise(v, delta)
Device v;
short delta;
v expects a valuator. A valuator is a single-value input device.
delta expects the number of units of change required before the
valuator v can make a new queue entry.
noise determines how often queued valuators make entries in the event
queue. Some valuators are noisy. For example, a device that is not
moving can still report small fluctuations in value. noise is used to
set a lower limit on what constitutes a move. That is, the value of a
noisy valuator v must change by at least delta before the motion is
considered significant. For example, noise(v,5) means that valuator v
must move at least 5 units before it makes a new queue entry.
The default noise value for all valuators is 1, except for the timer
devices (TIMERn), for which it is 10000. The frequency of timer events
is returned by the getgdesc inquiry GD_TIMERHZ.
getgdesc, qdevice, setvaluator
This routine is available only in immediate mode.
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