CDseektrack(3dm) CDseektrack(3dm)
CDseektrack - set read pointer for CD-ROM to start of specified track
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dmedia/cdaudio.h>
long CDseektrack(CDPLAYER* cd, int track)
cd A pointer to the CDPLAYER structure representing the target CDROM
track The track number the pointer is to be set to.
If successful, CDseektrack(3dm) returns the logical block number to which
the pointer has been set. Otherwise -1 is returned and errno is set to
indicate the error.
CDseektrack(3dm) sets the pointer that indicates the starting point of
the next read of digital audio data from a CD-ROM. The specified track
is looked up in the disc's table of contents and the pointer is set to
the start of that track. The value is stored internally as a logical
block number. One logical block is one CDFRAME.
CDintro(3dm), CDclose(3dm), CDgetstatus(3dm), CDgettrackinfo(3dm),
CDmsftoblock(3dm), CDmsftoframe(3dm), CDopen(3dm), CDreadda(3dm),
CDseek(3dm), CDseekblock(3dm), CDtctoframe(3dm), cdframe(4)
Mark Callow
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