lmcolor(3G) lmcolor(3G)
lmcolor - change the effect of color commands while lighting is active
void lmcolor(long mode)
mode the name of the mode to be used. Possible modes are:
LMC_COLOR, RGB color commands will set the current color. If a
color is the last thing sent before a vertex the vertex will be
colored. If a normal is the last thing sent before a vertex the
vertex will be lighted. LMC_COLOR is the default mode.
LMC_EMISSION, RGB color commands will set the EMISSION color
property of the current material.
LMC_AMBIENT, RGB color commands will set the AMBIENT color
property of the current material.
LMC_DIFFUSE, RGB color commands will set the DIFFUSE color
property of the current material. Alpha, the fourth color
component specified by RGB color commands will set the ALPHA
property of the current material.
LMC_SPECULAR, RGB color commands will set the SPECULAR color
property of the current material.
LMC_AD, RGB color commands will set the DIFFUSE and AMBIENT color
property of the current material. Alpha, the fourth color
component specified by RGB color commands will set the ALPHA
property of the current material.
LMC_NULL, RGB color commands will be ignored.
Properties of the currently bound material can be changed by calls to
lmdef. Because the data structure of the material must be modified by
this operation, however, it is relatively slow to execute. lmcolor is
provided to support fast and efficient changes to the current material as
maintained in the graphics hardware, without changing the definition of
the currently bound material. Thus lmcolor changes are lost whenever a
new material is bound.
The standard RGB color commands (RGBcolor, c, and cpack) are used to
change material properties efficiently. lmcolor specifies which material
property is to be affected by these commands. While lighting is not
active color commands change the current color. lmcolor mode is
significant only while lighting is on.
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lmcolor(3G) lmcolor(3G)
lmdef, lmbind, RGBcolor, c, cpack
lmcolor allows changes only to the properties of MATERIAL, not to the
properties of BACKMATERIAL.
While lmcolor is other than LMC_NULL or LMC_COLOR, and lighting is
active, the results of lighting are undefined between the time that a
material is bound and an RGB color command is issued.
While lmcolor is other than LMC_NULL or LMC_COLOR, and lighting is
active, the results of lighting are undefined if an RGB color command is
specified between an n command and the subsequent v command.
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