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libpbm(3)	  Image	Format Library C++ Reference Manual	     libpbm(3)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     libpbm - functions	to support portable bitmap programs

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     #include <pbm.h>
     cc	... libpbm.a


     int pm_keymatch( char* str, char* keyword,	int minchars )

     Does a case-insensitive match of str against keyword.  str	can be a
     leading sunstring of keyword, but at least	minchars must be present.

   LOG BASE TWO    [Toc]    [Back]
     int pm_maxvaltobits( int maxval )
     int pm_bitstomaxval( int bits )

     Convert between a maxval and the minimum number of	bits required to hold

     void pm_message( char* fmt, ... )

     printf() style routine to write an	informational message.

     void pm_error( char* fmt, ... )

     printf() style routine to write an	error message and abort.

     void pm_usage( char* usage	)

     Write a usage message.  The string	should indicate	what arguments are to
     be	provided to the	program.

     FILE* pm_openr( char* name	)

     Open the given file for reading, with appropriate error checking.	A
     filename of "-" is	taken as equivalent to stdin.

     FILE* pm_openw( char* name	)

     Open the given file for writing, with appropriate error checking.

     void pm_close( FILE* fp )

     Close the file descriptor,	with appropriate error checking.

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libpbm(3)	  Image	Format Library C++ Reference Manual	     libpbm(3)

     int pm_readbigshort( FILE*	in, short* sP )
     int pm_writebigshort( FILE* out, short s )
     int pm_readbiglong( FILE* in, long* lP )
     int pm_writebiglong( FILE*	out, long l )
     int pm_readlittleshort( FILE* in, short* sP )
     int pm_writelittleshort( FILE* out, short s )
     int pm_readlittlelong( FILE* in, long* lP )
     int pm_writelittlelong( FILE* out,	long l )

     Routines to read and write	short and long ints in either big- or littleendian
 byte order.


     typedef ... bit;
     #define PBM_WHITE ...
     #define PBM_BLACK ...

     each bit should contain only the values of	PBM_WHITE or PBM_BLACK.

     #define PBM_FORMAT	...
     #define RPBM_FORMAT ...
     #define PBM_TYPE PBM_FORMAT
     #define PBM_FORMAT_TYPE(f)	...

     For distinguishing	different file formats and types.

   INITIALIZATION    [Toc]    [Back]
     void pbm_init( int* argcP,	char* argv[] )

     All PBM programs must call	this routine.

   MEMORY MANAGEMENT    [Toc]    [Back]
     bit** pbm_allocarray( int cols, int rows )

     Allocate an array of bits.

     bit* pbm_allocrow(	int cols )

     Allocate a	row of the given number	of bits.

     void pbm_freearray( bit** bits, int rows )

     Free the array allocated with pbm_allocarray() containing the given
     number of rows.

     void pbm_freerow( bit* bitrow )

     Free a row	of bits.

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libpbm(3)	  Image	Format Library C++ Reference Manual	     libpbm(3)

   READING FILES    [Toc]    [Back]
     void pbm_readpbminit( FILE* fp, int* colsP, int* rowsP, int* formatP )

     Read the header from a PBM	file, filling in the rows, cols	and format

     void pbm_readpbmrow( FILE*	fp, bit* bitrow, int cols, int format )

     Read a row	of bits	into the bitrow	array.	Format and cols	were filled in
     by	pbm_readpbminit().

     bit** pbm_readpbm(	FILE* fp, int* colsP, int* rowsP )

     Read an entire bitmap file	into memory, returning the allocated array and
     filling in	the rows and cols variables.  This function combines
     pbm_readpbminit(),	pbm_allocarray() and pbm_readpbmrow().

     char* pm_read_unknown_size( FILE* fp, long* nread )

     Read an entire file or input stream of unknown size to a buffer.
     Allocate memory more memory as needed. The	calling	routine	has to free
     the allocated buffer with free().	pm_read_unknown_size() returns a
     pointer to	the allocated buffer. The nread	argument returns the number of
     bytes read.

   WRITING FILES    [Toc]    [Back]
     void pbm_writepbminit( FILE* fp, int cols,	int rows, int forceplain )

     Write the header for a portable bitmap file.  The forceplain flag forces
     a plain-format file to be written,	as opposed to a	raw-format one.

     void pbm_writepbmrow( FILE* fp, bit* bitrow, int cols, int	forceplain )

     Write a row from a	portable bitmap.

     void pbm_writepbm(	FILE* fp, bit**	bits, int cols,	int rows, int forceplain )

     Write the header and all data for a portable bitmap.  This	function
     combines pbm_writepbminit() and pbm_writepbmrow().

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     libpgm(3),	libppm(3), libpnm(3)

AUTHOR    [Toc]    [Back]

     Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 by Tony Hansen and Jef Poskanzer.

									PPPPaaaaggggeeee 3333
[ Back ]
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