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  man pages->IRIX man pages -> libelfutil/xlate_pro_init (3)              



NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     xlate_pro_init - open translation section creator

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     #include <elf.h>
     #include <libelf.h>
     #include <dwarf.h>
     #include <libdwarf.h>
     #include <cmplrs/xlate.h>
     #include <libXlate.h>

     int xlate_pro_init( xlate_table_pro  *returned_table_pointer,
       xlate_tablekind	tablekind,
       xlate_table_con	compose_with_table,
       int	       is64bit);

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     These are used to get (open) a handle which assists in producing a
     translation table section.	 The functions available do not	themselves
     write anything to disk. Instead they create a byte	stream which the
     calling application can write to an Elf file as appropriate.

     The handle	allows one to call any of the producer functions.

     xlate_pro_init takes as arguments:

	     is	a pointer to a producer	table handle.  If the call to
	     xlate_pro_init is successful, the handle pointed to is set	a
	     valid producer library handle.

	     which must	be one of the types of table defined in	the
	     enumeration:  order-preserving, size-preserving, or general.  See
	     <libXlate.h>.  The	order-preserving and size-preserving cases
	     allow a slightly more compact disk	representation to be used.
	     See below for more	discussion of the table	choices.

	     must be 0 or a valid open handle on a (non-debug) translate table
	     section.  If 0 (the NULL pointer) then the	byte stream prepared
	     by	the library will depend	solely on the input from producer
	     calls.  A 0 argument means	that there will	be a single byte
	     stream available in the output.  If an open consumer handle is
	     passed in then the	library	will compose the information passed in
	     thru producer calls with the information from compose_with_table
	     and will make available two byte stream outputs:  one will	be the
	     composed translation table	representing all translations and the
	     second (debug) table will represent solely	the information	passed
	     in	thru producer calls.  xlate_pro_disk_header(3) gives access to
	     the normal	(standard) byte	stream if called with
	     XLATE_PRO_STANDARD_SETUP.	xlate_pro_disk_header(3) gives access
	     to	the debug stream if called with	XLATE_PRO_STANDARD_SETUP: the

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	     debug stream will only have non-zero length if compose_with_table
	     is	a non-NULL consumer table handle.

     is64bit informs the producer library whether the translate	table is for a
	     64	or 32 bit executable or	DSO.  Pass in 0	if for a 32-bit
	     executable	or DSO.	 Pass in 1 if for a 64-bit executable or DSO.
	     The flag must match (in the sense of being	32 or 64 bit) the 64-
	     bitness of	the data in the	compose_with_table .

     Use -lelfutil -lelf on the	link command line to link  in libelfutil.

Table Kinds    [Toc]    [Back]

     The table kind argument specifies characteristics of the addresses	and
     ranges passed in to the producer functions.  If there is no Table
     Composition (because compose_with_table us	NULL) then the tablekind
     argument is the output non-debug table kind (and there is no debug	table
     produced).	 If there is Table Composition because compose_with_table is
     non-NULL then the table kind of the created table may not be identical to
     that specified in the argument.

     It	is the producing application's responsibility to tell the truth	about
     the input.	 If the	application specifies that the input is	orderpreserving
	and then does xlate_pro_add_range calls	which violate that
     assertion the library may or may not detect the violation.	The resulting
     table is not going	to be correct in such a	case.

     An	order-preserving table (xlate_tk_preserve_size)	is created by calls to
     xlate_pro_add_range in which successive new-addresses are increasing and
     successive	old-addresses are increasing.

     A size-preserving table (xlate_tk_preserve_size) is created by calls to
     xlate_pro_add_range in which the new-range	and the	old-range are
     identical values (in other	words, the new and old instruction streams are
     identical length).	 The library assumes that the new-instruction
     addresses form a strictly increasing sequence (the	old-instruction
     addresses ordinarily do not).

     A general table is	any table not fitting one of the two special cases
     above.  The library assumes that the new-instruction addresses form a
     strictly increasing sequence (so that while the library can handle
     "general" transformations,	the order that the transformations are
     presented to xlate_pro_add_range is restricted to be in increasing	newaddress

Table Composition    [Toc]    [Back]

     Table Composition allows the application of a (potentially	unlimited)
     series of transformation tools while preserving the ability to use	a
     debugger or other tool needing to correctly associate text	address	in
     memory with the symbolic information and with the original	untransformed
     text addresses.  If compose_with_table is NULL then there is no Table
     Composition done (there being no input table provided to compose with).

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     If	compose_with_table is non-NULL then table composition will occur.
     Composing a size-preserving with a	size-preserving	table results in a
     size-preserving table.  Composing an order-preserving with	an orderpreserving
	table results in a order-preserving table.  Any	other
     composition results in a general table.

     The application doing the transformation should treat its composition as
     the only composition and should treat the executable text as being
     transformed.  The library does the	composition.

     Composition of addresses is done by the library.  The following describes
     how each of the fields in the each	of the translate headers is treated.

	     will be the same in both the debug	and non-debug tables output.

	     will be taken directly from the tablekind argument	for the	debug
	     table.  For the non-debug table the value will be as described in
	     Table Kinds above.

	     For both the debug	and non-debug tables the library supplies
	     this.  (At	this writing it	is a fixed value of 4096).

	     is	set appropriately by the library for each table	output.

	     is	set appropriately by the library for each table	output.

	     For both the tables this is the same value: the lowest of the new

	     For both the tables this is the same value: the highest of	the
	     new addresses.

	     For the non-debug table, this is the copied from the
	     hd_old_addr_low of	the input table-to-be-composed-with.  For the
	     debug table, this is calculated from the ranges seen by

	     For the non-debug table, this is the copied from the
	     hd_old_addr_high of the input table-to-be-composed-with.  For the
	     debug table, this is calculated from the ranges seen by

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	     For the debug table, this is taken	from the xlate_pro_add_info
	     call (defaults to 0).  For	the non-debug table, the output	value
	     is	the sum	(using 32 bit arithmetic for 32	bit programs and 64
	     bit arithmetic for	64 bit programs) of the	from the input tableto-be-composed-with
 and the data_moved argument of	the
	     xlate_pro_add_info	call.

	     For the debug table, this is taken	from the appropriate
	     xlate_pro_add_info	call argument (defaults	to 0).	For the	nondebug
 table, take that argument if	non-zero and if	the
	     xlate_pro_add_info	is not provided	or the argument	is 0 take the
	     value from	the hd_startup_fwa from	the input table-to-becomposed-with.

	     For the debug table, this is taken	from the appropriate
	     xlate_pro_add_info	call argument (defaults	to 0).	For the	nondebug
 table, take that argument if	non-zero and if	the
	     xlate_pro_add_info	is not provided	or the argument	is 0 take the
	     value from	the hd_startup_lwa from	the input table-to-becomposed-with.

	     For the non-debug table, take the value from the input table-tobe-composed
 with.	For the	debug table, take the value from the
	     xlate_pro_add_info	call argument (defaults	to 0).

	     For the non-debug table, take the value from the input table-tobe-composed
 with.	For the	debug table, take the value from the
	     xlate_pro_add_info	call argument (defaults	to 0).

	     For the debug table, take the data	provided with
	     xlate_pro_add_reg_info calls.  For	the non-debug table, add the
	     data provided with	xlate_pro_add_reg_info calls to	the end	of the
	     data in the input table-to-be-composed-with.  This	behavior is
	     incorrect,	since any DW_CFA_set_loc or DW_CFA_advance_loc
	     operations	in the table-to-be-composed-with are not updated
	     appropriately as of this writing.

FILES    [Toc]    [Back]


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DIAGNOSTICS    [Toc]    [Back]

     Returns XLATE_TB_STATUS_NO_ERROR (0) on success.  In case of error, a
     negative number is	returned indicating the	error.	In case	of error,
     nothing is	returned thru the pointer arguments which would	return values
     on	successful call	(values	might have been	changed	thru these pointers
     but any such changes are not meaningful).

	     means that	the passed in tablekind	is not one of the three
	     defined values.

	     means malloc() failed.

	     The compose_with_table and	the table being	created	are not	both
	     64bit or both 32 bit. Instead one is marked as a 32 bit
	     translation table and the other is	64 bit.

     In	addition, if the compose_with_table is non-null	then any error which
     might be returned by xlate_get_info() on the compose_with_table may be

CAVEATS    [Toc]    [Back]

     Any register information in a table-to-be-composed-with that contains a
     DW_CFA_set_loc or DW_CFA_advance_loc operation is not updated or
     corrected by the library at present: this is a bug.

     If	an xlate section is created in an Elf file, it is required to have at
     least one range record. An	xlate section without at least one range is
     illegal (and the effect is	undefined).

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     libelfutil(5), xlate(4), xlate_pro_add_info(3e),
     xlate_pro_add_reg_info(3e), xlate_pro_add_range(3e),
     xlate_pro_disk_header(3e),	xlate_pro_disk_next_block(3e),
     xlate_init_fd(3e),	xlate_pro_finish(3e)

									PPPPaaaaggggeeee 5555
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