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  man pages->IRIX man pages -> libblas/asum (3)              


_ASUM(3F)							     _ASUM(3F)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     dasum, sasum, dzasum, scasum - BLAS level ONE L1 norm functions.

     double precision  dasum( n, x, incx )
     integer	       incx, n
     double precision  x( 1 )

     real	       sasum( n, x, incx )
     integer	       incx, n
     real	       x( 1 )

     double precision  dzasum( n, x, incx )
     integer	       incx, n
     complex*16	       x( 1 )

     real	       scasum( n, x, incx )
     integer	       incx, n
     complex	       x( 1 )

C SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     double dasum( n, x, incx )
     Integer	       incx, n;
     double	       (*x)[ n ];

     float sasum( n, x,	incx )
     Integer	       incx, n;
     real	       (*x)[ n ];

     double dzasum( n, x, incx )
     Integer	       incx, n;
     Zomplex	       (*x)[ n ];

     float scasum( n, x, incx )
     Integer	       incx, n;

     Complex	       (*x)[ n ];

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     dasum, sasum, scasum, and dzasum, compute the L1 norm of the vector x of
     length n and increment incx.

	 asum <--- Sum(	Abs( X(i) ) ) )			     dasum and sasum

	 asum <--- Sum(	Abs(Real(X(i)))	+ Abs(Imag(X(i))) )  dzasum and	scasum

AUTHORS    [Toc]    [Back]

	  Jack Dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.

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_ASUM(3F)							     _ASUM(3F)

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