iflFileDesc(3) Image Format Library C++ Reference Manual iflFileDesc(3)
iflFileDesc - IFL's image file descriptor
This is a base class with no inheritance.
#include <ifl/iflFileDesc.h>
iflFileDesc is IFL's image file descriptor. It is created from a file
name and/or a Unix file descriptor. It can either parse apart the
components of a IFL file name (Unix file name, image index, format name,
format specific string) or be supplied with a pre-parsed name.
An iflFileDesc can be used to pre-parse an IFL file name, perhaps to
check if the Unix file already exists when saving to a file, and then
passed to iflFile::open() or iflFile::create() to avoid reparsing the
name. It can also be used to implement a different file name syntax by
passing the pre-parsed file name to the alternate constructors.
iflFileDesc(const char* name, iflFormat* format=NULL)
iflFileDesc(const char* fileName, int index,
const char* formatName=NULL,
const char* formatSpecific=NULL)
iflFileDesc(const char* fileName, int index, iflFormat* format,
const char* formatSpecific=NULL)
Get and set methods [Toc] [Back]
void setFileDesc(int filedesc)
iflStatus getStatus()
const char* getFileName()
int getFileDesc()
int getIndex()
const char* getFormatName()
iflFormat* getFormat()
const char* getFormatSpecific()
FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS [Toc] [Back] iflFileDesc()
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iflFileDesc(3) Image Format Library C++ Reference Manual iflFileDesc(3)
iflFileDesc(const char* fileName, int index,
const char* formatName=NULL,
const char* formatSpecific=NULL)
iflFileDesc(const char* fileName, int index, iflFormat* format,
const char* formatSpecific=NULL)
iflFileDesc(const char* name, iflFormat* format=NULL)
The first contructor creates a descriptor by parsing a IFL file name
into it's components: Unix file name, image index, format name and
format specifc string. The second contructor creates a descriptor
from an already parsed name, The third version is the same as the
second except it takes the format by pointer instead of by name.
int getFileDesc()
This method returns the Unix file descriptor.
const char* getFileName()
This method returns the Unix file name portion of the parsed name.
iflFormat* getFormat()
This method returns the iflFormat* for the format name portion of
the parsed name.
const char* getFormatName()
This method returns the format name portion of the parsed name.
const char* getFormatSpecific()
This method returns the format specifc portion of the parsed name.
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iflFileDesc(3) Image Format Library C++ Reference Manual iflFileDesc(3)
int getIndex()
This method returns the sub-image index portion of the parsed name.
iflStatus getStatus()
This method returns the status of parsing the file name (e.g. if an
unknown format name was encoutered).
void setFileDesc(int filedesc)
This method can be used to let IFL know that the file is already
opened and to used this file descriptor rather than re-opening it.
iflFile(3), iflFormat(3)
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