iflDatabase(3) Image Format Library C++ Reference Manual iflDatabase(3)
iflDatabase - access to image file format database
This is a base class with no inheritance.
#include <il/iflDatabase.h>
iflDatabase is a lightweight version of the iflFormat class, with
abbreviated functionality. Basically, the information here is what can
be obtained from variables in the file format database without opening
the specific DSO. Looking up an object of this class will never cause a
DSO to be opened. The intended use is by apps who know they only need
the restricted methods provided here.
Refer to the iflFormat(3) man page for more detail on iflFormat
static iflDatabase* findNext(int& index)
static iflDatabase* findByMagic(int fd)
static iflDatabase* findByFormatName(const char* formatName)
static iflDatabase* findByFileName(const char* fileName,
int noMatchRule=TRUE)
Attribute queries [Toc] [Back]
const char* getName()
const char* getDefaultSuffix()
const char* getDescription()
int accessModeIsSupported(int mode)
const char* getDSOName()
const char* getInstSubSystem()
Conversion to iflFormat [Toc] [Back]
iflFormat* getFormat(int openDSOifNecessary = TRUE)
FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS [Toc] [Back] accessModeIsSupported()
int accessModeIsSupported(int mode)
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iflDatabase(3) Image Format Library C++ Reference Manual iflDatabase(3)
This member function tells whether the given access mode (which must
be one of O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, or O_RDWR) is supported by the
static iflDatabase* findByFileName(const char* fileName,
int noMatchRule=TRUE)
This static class member function is used to look up an image file
format by file name, where the file name is given by the fileName
argument. This is accomplished by matching the tail end of fileName
against each value of the suffixes variable given for each image
file format in the FTR database. The noMatchRule argument can be
used to limit searching to those formats that have no match rule.
static iflDatabase* findByFormatName(const char* formatName)
This static class member function is used to look up an image file
format by name, where the name is given by the formatName argument.
static iflDatabase* findByMagic(int fd)
This static class member function is used to look up an image file
format by magic number of a given file that is open for reading with
the file descriptor, fd.
static iflDatabase* findNext(int& index)
This static class member function is used to step through the
(static, lazily created) list of supported file formats.
To start searching initialize the index paramter to zero. It will be
automatically updated by each call so that successive calls will iterate
through all available formats. If there are no more formats, the
function returns NULL.
The following example prints the names of all supported formats:
iflDatabase *db;
int index = 0;
while ((db = iflDatabase::findNext(index)) != NULL)
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iflDatabase(3) Image Format Library C++ Reference Manual iflDatabase(3)
printf("%s0, db->getName());
const char* getDSOName()
This member function returns the 'soname' for the DSO that
implements this format (used internally to pass to dlopen()).
const char* getDefaultSuffix()
This member function returns the default filename suffix (the first
suffix listed in the "suffixes" declaration for a format in the IFL
format database). The returned value is a pointer to a static string
that is valid forever. Note that the returned value may be NULL.
const char* getDescription()
This member function returns the format description, or NULL if
there is none.
iflFormat* getFormat(int openDSOifNecessary = TRUE)
This method returns the full iflFormat correspnding to this
iflDatabase object. This may involve some overhead the first time a
particular format is accessed (opening the DSO and such).
const char* getInstSubSystem()
This member function returns the inst sub-system that must be
installed to use this format. This is used internally to format
error messages.
const char* getName()
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iflDatabase(3) Image Format Library C++ Reference Manual iflDatabase(3)
This member function returns the format name, which is a pointer to
a static string that is valid forever.
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