iflColormap(3) Image Format Library C++ Reference Manual iflColormap(3)
iflColormap - class for defining colormaps
#include <ifl/iflColormap.h>
iflColormap is derived from iflLut. The only difference is the removal of
the ability to have the table length not be a one-to-one mapping onto the
domain of the lut. It is intended to represent the colormap for image
files that have an iflRGBPalette color model. Refer to the iflLut man
page for more info on the supported access methods.
iflColormap(int numChan, iflDataType dtype, double min, double max)
iflColormap(void* table, int numChan, iflDataType dtype,
double min, double max)
FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS [Toc] [Back] iflColormap()
iflColormap(int numChan, iflDataType dtype, double min, double max)
iflColormap(void* table, int numChan, iflDataType dtype,
double min, double max)
Constructors for the iflColormap class. The number of tables or
channels in the colormap is specified by numChan and the colormap
data type is specified by dtype. The domain of values the table
handles is from min to max. The length of each table is either
max-min+1. The second constructor creates an iflColormap whose
look-up table data is pointed to by table. The final constructor
generates an empty iflColormap. This can be useful in conjuction
with the assigment operator.
INHERITED MEMBER FUNCTIONS [Toc] [Back] Inherited from iflLut
getChan(), getData(), getDataType(), getDomain(), getDomainMax(),
getDomainMin(), getDomainStep(), getLength(), getNumChans(), getOrigin(),
getRange(), getVal(), init(), isDiff(), operator=(), setData(),
setDomain(), setVal()
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iflColormap(3) Image Format Library C++ Reference Manual iflColormap(3)
iflLut, iflSGIColormap
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