glXQueryHyperpipeNetworkSGIX(3G) OpenGL Reference - GLX
glXQueryHyperpipeNetworkSGIX - query the physical connectivity of the
GLXHyperpipeNetworkSGIX * glXQueryHyperpipeNetworkSGIX( Display * dpy,
int *npipes )
dpy Specifies the connection to the X server.
npipes Returns the number of elements in the array
GLXHyperpipeNetworkSGIX *.
glXQueryHyperpipeNetworkSGIX is part of the SGIX_hyperpipe extension.
glXQueryHyperpipeNetworkSGIX is a query to determine the physical
connectivity of the hardware. It returns a list of pipes on the hyperpipe
There may be more than one hyperpipe network in the system. The networks
are numbered sequentially from 0. The list returned by
glXQueryHyperpipeNetworkSGIX indicates the physical hyperpipe network
number associated with the pipe. The list returned by this query is
sorted on the physical hyperpipe network number.
typedef struct {
char pipeName[GLX_HYPERPIPE_PIPE_NAME_LENGTH]; /* The string identifies
a pipe uniquely and is of the form ":display.screen"*/
int networkId; /* identifies a unique physical hyperpipe network*/
} GLXHyperipeNetwork;
Use XFree to free the array returned by glXQueryHyperpipeNetworkSGIX.
Returns an array of pipes and their associated hyperpipe network number.
Returns NULL if there is no hyperpipe network in the system.
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glXQueryHyperpipeNetworkSGIX(3G) OpenGL Reference - GLX
GLX_SGIX_hyperpipe extension is currently supported only on IR2/DPLEX.
On IR2/DPLEX the pipes in a given hyperpipe network have to be used in
the order that they are connected. There are further restrictions
depending on whether the pipes are connected in a ring or chain.
glXHyperpipeConfigSGIX glXQueryHyperpipeConfigSGIX glXBindHyperpipeSGIX
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