glGetTexFilterFuncSGIS(3G) OpenGL Reference glGetTexFilterFuncSGIS(3G)
glGetTexFilterFuncSGIS - return user-defined texture filtering function
void glGetTexFilterFuncSGIS( GLenum target,
GLenum filter,
GLfloat *weights )
target Specifies the target texture whose filtering function weights
are to be returned. Must be GL_TEXTURE_1D or GL_TEXTURE_2D.
filter Specifies the filter function whose weights are to be returned.
weights Specifies an array to receive the floating-point weight values.
glGetTexFilterFuncSGIS returns in weights the user-defined filtering
function specified by glTexFilterFuncSGIS. weights must have Size
elements, where Size is determined by calling glGetTexParameter with
glGetTexFilterFuncSGIS is part of the SGIS_texture_filter4 extension, not
part of the core GL command set. If GL_SGIS_texture_filter4 is included
in the string returned by glGetString when called with argument
GL_EXTENSIONS, extension SGIS_texture_filter4 is supported by the
connection. See glIntro for more information about using extensions.
GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated if either target or filter is not one of the
allowable values.
GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if glGetTexFilterFuncSGIS is executed
between the execution of glBegin and the corresponding execution of
The SGIS_texture_filter4 extension is supported only on InfiniteReality
On InfiniteReality systems, GL_INVALID_VALUE is generated if the value of
the argument n to the command glTexFilterFuncSGIS does not equal the
value of the implementation dependent constant Size, which can be
determined by calling glGetTexParameter with argument
GL_TEXTURE_FILTER4_SIZE_SGIS. This restriction will be removed in a
future release.
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glGetTexFilterFuncSGIS(3G) OpenGL Reference glGetTexFilterFuncSGIS(3G)
glTexFilterFuncSGIS, glTexParameter.
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