glcMeasureCountedString(3G) OpenGL Character Renderer
glcMeasureCountedString - store a string of specified length in
measurement buffer
GLint glcMeasureCountedString( GLboolean inMeasureChars,
GLint inCount,
const GLCchar *inString )
inMeasureChars Specifies whether to compute metrics only for the string
or for the characters as well.
inCount Specifies the number of elements to measure, starting at
the first element.
inString Specifies the string to be measured.
glcMeasureCountedString is identical to glcRenderCountedString but
instead of rendering a string, the command measures the resulting layout
and stores the measurements in the GLC measurement buffer.
The string consists of the first inCount elements of the array inString.
The array does not have to be zero terminated.
If the value of inMeasureChars is GL_TRUE, glcMeasureCountedString
computes metrics for each character and for the overall string. It
assigns the value inCount to the variable GLC_MEASURED_CHARACTER_COUNT.
Otherwise, glcMeasureCountedString computes metrics only for the overall
string, and it assigns the value zero to GLC_MEASURED_CHARACTER_COUNT.
If glcMeasureCountedString does not raise an error, its return value is
the value of inMeasureChars GLC_MEASURED_CHARACTER_COUNT.
GLC_STATE_ERROR is generated if the issuing thread has no current GLC
glcGeti with argument GLC_MEASURED_CHAR_COUNT
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