glcGetListc(3G) OpenGL Character Renderer glcGetListc(3G)
glcGetListc - return element from list
const GLCchar* glcGetListc( GLCenum inAttrib,
GLint inIndex )
inAttrib Specifies a string list.
inIndex Specifies the index from which to retrieve an element.
glcGetListc returns the string it finds in inAttrib at the offset
specified by inIndex.
You can currently query the string list GLC_CATALOG_LIST, which has an
element count variable of GLC_CATALOG_COUNT and the empty list as an
initial value.
GLC_STATE_ERROR is generated if the issuing thread has no current GLC
GLC_PARAMETER_ERROR is generated if inIndex is less than zero or is
greater than or equal to the value of the list's element count value.
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