Tk_GetUid(3Tk) Tk_GetUid(3Tk)
Tk_GetUid, Tk_Uid - convert from string to unique identifier
#include <tk.h>
#typedef char *Tk_Uid
String for which the corresponding unique identifier is desired.
Tk_GetUid returns the unique identifier corresponding to string. Unique
identifiers are similar to atoms in Lisp, and are used in Tk to speed up
comparisons and searches. A unique identifier (type Tk_Uid) is a string
pointer and may be used anywhere that a variable of type ``char *'' could
be used. However, there is guaranteed to be exactly one unique
identifier for any given string value. If Tk_GetUid is called twice,
once with string a and once with string b, and if a and b have the same
string value (strcmp(a, b) == 0), then Tk_GetUid will return exactly the
same Tk_Uid value for each call (Tk_GetUid(a) == Tk_GetUid(b)). This
means that variables of type Tk_Uid may be compared directly (x == y)
without having to call strcmp. In addition, the return value from
Tk_GetUid will have the same string value as its argument
(strcmp(Tk_GetUid(a), a) == 0).
atom, unique identifier
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