scfft3du,dzfft3du(3F) scfft3du,dzfft3du(3F)
scfft3du, dzfft3du - 3D, Real to Complex, Direct Fast Fourier Transforms.
Fortran :
subroutine scfft3du( sign,n1,n2,n3,array,la1,la2,coef )
integer sign, n1, n2, n3, la1, la2
real array(la1,la2,n3)
real coef((n1+15)+2*(n2+15)+2*(n3+15))
subroutine dzfft3du( sign,n1,n2,n3,array,la1,la2,coef )
integer sign, n1, n2, la1, la2
real*8 array(la1,la2,n3)
real*8 coef((n1+15)+2*(n2+15)+2*(n3+15))
C :
#include <fft.h>
int scfft3du ( int sign, int n1, int n2, int n3,
float *array, int la1, int la2, float *coef);
int dzfft3du ( int sign, int n1, int n2, int n3,
double *array, int la1, int la2, double *coef);
scfft3du and dzfft3du compute in place the complex Fourier transform of
real 3D sequence of size N1 x N2 x N3. The value F{j1,j2,j3} of the
transform of the 3D sequence f{i1,i2,i3} is equal to:
for i[123] =0,...,(N[123]-1)
W[123] = exp( (Sign*2*sqrt(-1)*PI) / N[123] )
It is assumed that the (N1 x N2 x N3) 3D sequence is stored along
dimension N1. So the index {i+1,j,l} has an offset of 1 element with
respect to {i,j,l}, and {i,j+1,k} an offset of la1 elements with respect
to {i,j,k}, and {i,j,k+1} an offset of (la1 * la2) elements with respect
to {i,j,k}.
NOTE : la1 must be larger (or equal) to 2*((N1+2)/2), and la2 larger (or
equal) to N2.
The real-to-complex Direct 3D Fourier transform is computed with a rowcolumn
- First, N3 2D FFTs real-to-complex of size N1xN2 are evaluated, stride
= 1
and leading_dimension=la1.
- then, N1*N2 FFTs complex-to-complex of size N3 are performed,
stride=(la1/2)*la2, and leading_dimension=1.
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scfft3du,dzfft3du(3F) scfft3du,dzfft3du(3F)
As the input sequence has real values, only half of the results are
computed since the sample {(N1-k),l,m} of the real-to-complex transform
would be the conjugate of the sample {k,l,m}.
However, some extra space is necessary, and the relation
(la1>=2*((N1+2)/2)) must hold.
SIGN Integer specifying which sign to be used for the expression of W
(see above) - must be either +1 or -1.
Unchanged on exit.
N1 Integer, the first dimension size of the 3D sequence. Unchanged
on exit.
N2 Integer, the second dimension size of the 3D sequence. Unchanged
on exit.
N3 Integer, the thrid dimension size of the 3D sequence. Unchanged
on exit.
ARRAY Array containing the samples of the 3D sequence to be transformed.
On input, the element {i,j,k} of the sequence is stored as A(i,j,k) in
Fortran , and A[i+j*la1+k*la1*la2] in C. On exit, the array is
overwritten by its transform.
LA1 Integer, first leading dimension: increment between the samples of
two consecutive 1D sub-sequences (e.g between {i,j+1,k} and {i,j,k} ).
Unchanged on exit.
LA2 Integer, second leading dimension: number of the 1D sub-sequence
between two consecutive 2D sub-sequences (e.g between {i,j,k+1} and
{i,j,k}). Unchanged on exit.
COEFF Array of at least ( (N1+15)+2*(N2+15)+2*(N3+15) ) elements. On
entry it contains the Sines/Cosines and factorization of N. COEFF needs
to be initialized with a call to scfft3dui or dzfft3dui. Unchanged
on exit.
Example of Calling Sequence
3D FFT computed on a real sequence of size 100x64x125. The elements of
each sequence are stored with increment (stride) 1, the offset between
the first element of two succesive 1D sub-sequences (first leading
dimension) is 102, and the number of 1D sub-sequence between two
succesive 2D sub-sequences (second leading dimension) is 64.
Note : 102 >= 100+2 , and 64 >= 64.
real array(0:102-1,0:64-1,0:125-1)
real coeff(100+15 + 2*(64+15) + 2*(125+15))
call scfft3dui( 100, 64, 125, coeff)
call scfft3du( -1, 100, 64, 125, array, 102, 64, coeff)
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scfft3du,dzfft3du(3F) scfft3du,dzfft3du(3F)
#include <fft.h>
float array[102*64*125], *coeff;
coeff = scfft3dui( 100, 64, 125, NULL);
scfft3du( -1, 100, 64, 125, array, 102, 64, coeff)
fft, scfft3dui, dzfft3dui, csfft3du, zdfft3du
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