endline(3G) endline(3G)
bgnline, endline - delimit the vertices of a line
void bgnline()
void endline()
Vertices specified after bgnline and before endline are interpreted as
endpoints of a series of line segments. Use the v routine to specify a
vertex. The first vertex connects to the second; the second connects to
the third; and so on until the next-to-last vertex connects to the last
one. The last vertex does not connect to the first vertex. Use
bgnclosedline to connect the first and last points. All segments use the
current linestyle, which is reset prior to the first segment and
continues through subsequent segments.
Between bgnline and endline, you can issue only the following Graphics
Library routines: c, color, cpack, lmbind, lmcolor, lmdef, n, RGBcolor,
t, and v. lmdef and lmbind can be used to respecify only materials and
their properties. If the color changes between a pair of vertices, the
color of the line segment will be constant if the current shading model
is FLAT and interpolated if the current shading model is GOURAUD. In
color map mode, the colors vary through the color map; to get reasonable
results, the color map should contain a ramp.
There is no limit to the number of vertices that can be specified between
bgnline and endline. After endline, the current graphics position is
By default, line vertices are forced to the nearest pixel center prior to
scan conversion. Line accuracy is improved when this coercion is
defeated with the subpixel command. Subpixel vertex positioning is
especially important when lines are scan-converted with antialiasing
enabled (see linesmooth).
bgnclosedline, c, linesmooth, linewidth, lsrepeat, scrsubdivide,
setlinestyle, shademodel, subpixel, v
On the IRIS-4D B and G models, and on the Personal Iris without Turbo
Graphics, if the color changes between a pair of vertices, the color of
the line segment will be constant regardless of the current shading
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endline(3G) endline(3G)
On the IRIS-4D GT and GTX models, if the color changes between a pair of
vertices, the color of the line segment will be interpolated regardless
of the current shading model.
On the IRIS-4D B and G models, the linestyle is reset at the start of
each segment, rather than only at the start of the first segment.
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