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  man pages->IRIX man pages -> standard/disassembler (3)              



NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     disassembler - disassemble	a MIPS instruction and print the results

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     int disassembler (iadr, regstyle, get_symname, get_regvalue,
	       get_bytes, print_header)
     unsigned  iadr;
     int       regstyle;
     char      *(*get_symname)();
     int       (*get_regvalue)();
     long      (*get_bytes)();
     void      (*print_header)();

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     Disassembler disassembles and prints a MIPS machine instruction on

     Iadr is the instruction address to	be disassembled.  Regstyle specifies
     how registers are named in	the disassembly; if the	value is 0, compiler
     names are used; otherwise,	hardware names are used.

     The next four arguments are function pointers, most of which give the
     caller some flexibility in	the appearance of the disassembly.  The	only
     function that MUST	be provided is get_bytes. All other functions are
     optional.	Get_bytes is called with no arguments and returns the next
     byte(s) to	disassemble.

     Get_symname is passed an address, which is	the target of a	jal
     instruction. If NULL is returned or if get_symname	is NULL, the
     disassembler prints the address; otherwise, the string name is printed as
     returned from get_symname.	If get_regvalue	is not NULL, it	is passed a
     register number and returns the current contents of the specified
     register.	Disassembler prints this information along with	the
     instruction disassembly.  If print_header is not NULL, it is passed the
     instruction address iadr and the current instruction to be	disassembled,
     which is the return value from get_bytes. Print_header can	use these
     parameters	to print any desired information before	the actual instruction
     disassembly is printed.

     If	get_bytes is NULL, the disassembler returns -1 and errno is set	to
     EINVAL; otherwise,	the number of bytes that were disassembled is
     returned.	If the disassembled word is a jump or branch instruction, the
     instruction in the	delay slot is also disassembled.

     The program must be loaded	with the object	file access routine library

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]


									PPPPaaaaggggeeee 1111
[ Back ]
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