dglclose(3G) dglclose(3G)
dglclose - closes the DGL server connection
void dglclose(sid)
long sid;
sid expects the identifier of the server you want to close. If sid is
negative, then all graphics server connections are closed. Server
identifiers are returned by dglopen.
dglclose closes the connection to the graphics server associated with the
server identifier sid, killing the Distributed Graphics Library (DGL)
server process and all its windows. If sid is negative, then all
graphics server connections are closed. Call dglclose after gexit or when
the graphics server is no longer needed. Closing the connection frees up
resources on the graphics server.
After a connection is closed, there is no current graphics window and no
current graphics server. Calling any routines other than dglopen,
dglclose or routines that take graphics window identifiers as input
parameters will result in an error.
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