defcursor(3G) defcursor(3G)
defcursor - defines a cursor glyph
void defcursor(n, curs)
short n;
unsigned short *curs;
n expects the constant you want to assign as a cursor name. By
default, an arrow is defined as cursor 0 and cannot be redefined.
curs expects the bitmap for the cursor you want to define. The bitmap
can be 16x16 or 32x32 and either one or two layers deep. This
parameter is ignored for cross-hair cursors.
defcursor defines a cursor glyph with the specified name and bitmap. Call
curstype prior to calling defcursor to set the type and size of cursor it
defines. The name parameter n is used to identify the cursor glyph to
other cursor routines. A subsequent call to defcursor with the same
value of n will replace the current definition of the cursor with the new
By default, the cursor origin of a bitmap cursor is at (0,0), its lowerleft
corner, and the cursor origin of a cross-hair cursor is at (15,15),
the intersection of its two lines. Use curorigin to set the cursor
origin to somewhere else. The cursor origin is the position controlled
by valuators attached to the cursor, and is also the position pick uses
for the picking region.
curorigin, curstype, getcursor, getgdesc, pick, setcursor
This routine is available only in immediate mode.
Some models do not support two-layer cursor bitmaps. Use the getgdesc
inquiry GD_BITS_CURSOR to determine how many layers are supported.
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