cyclemap(3G) cyclemap(3G)
cyclemap - cycles between color maps at a specified rate
void cyclemap(duration, map, nxtmap)
short duration, map, nxtmap;
duration expects the number of vertical traces before switching to the
map named by nxtmap.
map expects the number of the map to use before completing the
number of vertical sweeps specified by duration.
nxtmap expects the number of the map to use after completing the
number of vertical sweeps specified by duration.
When the system is in multimap mode, cyclemap allows you to switch from
one color map to another after a specified duration. In multimap mode
there are 16 color maps, numbered 0-15. You can use cyclemap within a
loop if you want to cycle through more than one map.
The code fragment sets up multimap mode and cycle between two maps,
leaving map 1 on for ten vertical retraces and map 3 on for five
cyclemap(10, 1, 3);
cyclemap(5, 3, 1);
blink, gconfig, multimap
This routine is available only in immediate mode and cannot be used in
onemap mode.
cyclemap is not supported on Iris Entry, Indy, XL, XS, XS24, XZ, Elan and
Extreme systems and IRIS-4D RealityEngine systems.
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