complex_operators - operators for the C++ complex math library
#include <complex.h>
class complex {
friend complex operator+(complex, complex);
friend complex operator-(complex);
friend complex operator-(complex, complex);
friend complex operator*(complex, complex);
friend complex operator/(complex, complex);
friend int operator==(complex, complex);
friend int operator!=(complex, complex);
void operator+=(complex);
void operator-=(complex);
void operator*=(complex);
void operator/=(complex);
The basic arithmetic operators, comparison operators, and assignment
operators are overloaded for complex numbers. The operators have their
conventional precedences. In the following descriptions for complex
- x, y, and z are of type complex.
Arithmetic operators:
z <b>= x <b>+ y Returns a complex which is the arithmetic sum of complex
numbers x and y.
z <b>= -x Returns a complex which is the arithmetic negation of
complex number x.
z <b>= x <b>- y Returns a complex which is the arithmetic difference of
complex numbers x and y.
z <b>= x <b>* y Returns a complex which is the arithmetic product of
complex numbers x and y.
z <b>= x <b>/ y Returns a complex which is the arithmetic quotient of
complex numbers x and y.
Comparison operators:
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x <b>== y Returns non-zero if complex number x is equal to complex
number y; returns 0 otherwise.
x <b>!= y Returns non-zero if complex number x is not equal to
complex number y; returns 0 otherwise.
Assignment operators:
x <b>+= y Complex number x is assigned the value of the arithmetic
sum of itself and complex number y.
x <b>-= y Complex number x is assigned the value of the arithmetic
difference of itself and complex number y.
x <b>*= y Complex number x is assigned the value of the arithmetic
product of itself and complex number y.
x <b>/= y Complex number x is assigned the value of the arithmetic
quotient of itself and complex number y.
The assignment operators do not produce a value that can be used in an
expression. That is, the following construction is syntactically
complex x, y, z;
x = ( y += z );
x = ( y + z );
x = ( y == z );
are valid.
complex(3C++), cartpol(3C++), cplxerr(3C++), cplxexp(3C++), and
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