_COR1D(3F) _COR1D(3F)
SCOR1D, DCOR1D, CCOR1D, ZCOR1D - 1D Correlation in the time domain.
subroutine SCOR1D( f, incf, if0, nf,
g, incg, ig0, ng,
h, inch, ih0, nh )
integer incf, if0, nf, incg, ig0, ng, inch, ih0, nh
real f(*), g(*), h(*)
subroutine DCOR1D( f, incf, if0, nf,
g, incg, ig0, ng,
h, inch, ih0, nh )
integer incf, if0, nf, incg, ig0, ng, inch, ih0, nh
double precision f(*), g(*), h(*)
subroutine CCOR1D( f, incf, if0, nf,
g, incg, ig0, ng,
h, inch, ih0, nh )
integer incf, if0, nf, incg, ig0, ng, inch, ih0, nh
complex f(*), g(*), h(*)
subroutine ZCOR1D( f, incf, if0, nf,
g, incg, ig0, ng,
h, inch, ih0, nh )
integer incf, if0, nf, incg, ig0, ng, inch, ih0, nh
double complex f(*), g(*), h(*)
#include <conv.h>
void scor1d( float *f, int incf, int if0, int nf,
float *g, int incg, int ig0, int ng,
float *h, int inch, int ih0, int nh )
void dcor1d( double *f, int incf, int if0, int nf,
double *g, int incg, int ig0, int ng,
double *h, int inch, int ih0, int nh ),
void ccor1d( complex *f, int incf, int if0, int nf,
complex *g, int incg, int ig0, int ng,
complex *h, int inch, int ih0, int nh )
void zcor1d( zomplex *f, int incf, int if0, int nf,
zomplex *g, int incg, int ig0, int ng,
zomplex *h, int inch, int ih0, int nh )
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_COR1D(3F) _COR1D(3F)
SCOR1D, DCOR1D, CCOR1D and ZCOR1D compute a 1D correlation in the time
domain :
h(j) = Sum[ f(i) * g(i-j) ]
f Vector containing sequence "f"
incf Increment between two successive values of "f"
if0 Starting time of Sequence
nf Number of elements of sequence
g Vector containing sequence "g"
incg Increment between two successive values of "g"
ig0 Starting time of Sequence
ng Number of elements of sequence
h Vector containing sequence "h"
inch Increment between two successive values of "h"
ih0 Starting time of Sequence
nh Number of elements of sequence
The array pointers must all point to the first element of the
array "nf1", "ng1" and "nh1". If "f" for example is defined as
dimension in_put(-25:45)
Then "dcor1d" must be called with the following parameters
call dcor1d( f(-25),1,-25,45, ... )
Due to the definition of correlation operation, it cannot be done
in place ... unless the time of the last sample of "g" "ig0+ng-1"
is less than or equal to 0, a circumstance which is most unlikely.
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_COR1D(3F) _COR1D(3F)
Jean-Pierre Panziera, 1/12/93.
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