cmov(3G) cmov(3G)
cmov, cmovi, cmovs, cmov2, cmov2i, cmov2s - updates the current character
void cmov(Coord x, Coord y, Coord z)
void cmovi(Icoord x, Icoord y, Icoord z)
void cmovs(Scoord x, Scoord y, Scoord z)
void cmov2(Coord x, Coord y)
void cmov2i(Icoord x, Icoord y)
void cmov2s(Scoord x, Scoord y)
All of the above functions are functionally the same except for the type
declarations of the parameters. In addition the cmov2* routines assume a
2-D point instead of a 3-D point.
x expects the x location of the point (in world coordinates) to which
you want to move the current character position.
y expects the y location of the point (in world coordinates) to which
you want to move the current character position.
z expects the z location of the point (in world coordinates) to which
you want to move the current character position. (This parameter not
used by the 2-D subroutines.)
cmov moves the current character position to a specified point (just as
move sets the current graphics position). cmov transforms the specified
world coordinates into screen coordinates, which become the new character
position. If the transformed point is outside the viewport, the character
position is undefined.
cmov does not affect the current graphics position.
charstr, move, readpixels, readRGB, writepixels, writeRGB, getcpos
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