IMTQL2, SIMTQL2 - EISPACK routine. This subroutine finds the
eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a SYMMETRIC TRIDIAGONAL matrix by the
implicit QL method. The eigenvectors of a FULL SYMMETRIC matrix can also
be found if TRED2 has been used to reduce this full matrix to
tridiagonal form.
subroutine imtql2(nm, n, d, e, z, ierr)
integer nm, n, ierr
double precision d(n), e(n), z(nm,n)
subroutine simtql2(nm, n, d, e, z, ierr)
integer nm, n, ierr
real d(n), e(n), z(nm,n)
NM must be set to the row dimension of two-dimensional array parameters
as declared in the calling program dimension statement.
N is the order of the matrix.
D contains the diagonal elements of the input matrix.
E contains the subdiagonal elements of the input matrix in its last N-1
positions. E(1) is arbitrary.
Z contains the transformation matrix produced in the reduction by TRED2,
if performed. If the eigenvectors of the tridiagonal matrix are desired,
Z must contain the identity matrix. On OUTPUT
D contains the eigenvalues in ASCENDING order. If an error exit is made,
the eigenvalues are correct but UNORDERED for indices 1,2,...,IERR-1.
E has been destroyed.
Z contains orthonormal eigenvectors of the symmetric tridiagonal (or
full) matrix. If an error exit is made, Z contains the eigenvectors
associated with the stored eigenvalues.
IERR is set to ZERO for normal return, J if the J-th
eigenvalue has not been
determined after 30 iterations. Calls PYTHAG(A,B) for sqrt(A**2 +
B**2). Questions and comments should be directed to B. S. Garbow,
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