IFL(3) Image Format Library C++ Reference Manual IFL(3)
IFL - overview of Image Format Library
The Image Format Library (IFL) is a library for opening, reading, writing
and creating image files in a format independent manner. IFL consists of
a library developed in C++. An interface library for C programmers is
also provided. IFL includes support for the FIT, GIF, JFIF, Photo CD,
PNG, PPM, SGI, TIFF and numerous other file formats. It also supports
reading and writing raw image data in a fairly flexible manner. It is
designed to be very easy to use with a straight-forward mechanism support
user-defined file formats.
To open a file and read it into memory you can write C++ code like the
#include <ifl/iflFile.h>
// open the file named by 'filename'
iflStatus sts;
iflFile* file = iflFile::open(filename, O_RDONLY, &sts);
if (sts != iflOKAY) { /* handle the error */ }
// read the entire image (just the first plane in z if image has depth)
// into a buffer of unsiged chars
iflSize dims;
unsigned char* data = new unsigned char[dims.x*dims.y*dims.c];
iflConfig cfg(iflUChar, iflInterleaved);
sts = file->getTile(0, 0, 0, dims.x, dims.y, 1, data, &cfg);
if (sts != iflOKAY) { /* handle error */ }
// close the file
or equivalently in C you could write:
#include <ifl/iflCdefs.h>
/* open the file named by 'filename' */
iflStatus sts;
iflFile *file;
iflSize dims;
unsigned char *data;
iflConfig* cfg;
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file = iflFileOpen(filename, O_RDONLY, &sts);
if (sts != iflOKAY) { /* handle the error */ }
read the entire image (just the first plane in z if image
has depth) into a buffer of unsiged chars
iflFileGetDimensions(file, &dims);
data = (unsigned char*)malloc(dims.x*dims.y*dims.c);
cfg = iflConfigCreate(iflUChar, iflInterleaved, 0, NULL, 0, 0);
sts = iflFileGetTile(file, 0, 0, 0, dims.x, dims.y, 1, data, cfg);
if (sts != iflOKAY) { /* handle error */ }
/* close the file */
iflFileClose(file, 0);
This simple example opens a file in any image format supported by IFL.
The open function returns a pointer to an iflFile object which is IFL's
abstraction for accessing image files. This object is described further
below and in the iflFile(3) man page. The file object is then used to
read the image's data it into memory. The iflConfig object is used to
specify that that data should be read in the file's orientation, but with
the pixels forced to unsigned char format and interleaved ordering.
Creating and writing an image file is just as simple:
// create a one-channel, unsigned char image file
iflSize dims(width, height, 1);
iflFileConfig fc(&dims, iflUChar);
iflStatus sts;
iflFile* file = iflFile::create(filename, NULL, &fc, NULL, &sts);
if (sts != iflOKAY) { /* handle the create error */ }
// write a tile of data to it
sts = file->setTile(0, 0, 0, width, height, 1, data);
if (sts != iflOKAY) { /* handle error */ }
// make sure the data gets written out to disk (or you can close here)
sts = file->flush();
if (sts != iflOKAY) { /* handle error */ }
or equivalently in C you could write:
iflFile *file;
iflFileConfig *fc;
iflStatus sts;
iflSize dims;
/* create a one-channel, unsigned char image file */
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dims.x = width;
dims.y = height;
dims.z = 1;
dims.c = 1;
fc = iflFileConfigCreate(&dims, iflUChar, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
file = iflFileCreate(filename, NULL, fc, NULL, &sts);
if (sts != iflOKAY) { /* handle the create error */ }
/* write a tile of data to it */
sts = iflFileSetTile(file, 0, 0, 0, width, height, 1, data, NULL);
if (sts != iflOKAY) { /* handle error */ }
/* make sure the data gets written out to disk (or you can close here) */
sts = iflFileFlush(file);
if (sts != iflOKAY) { /* handle error */ }
The code fragment above creates a one-channel file with the specified
width and height and unsigned char data type. The rest of the attributes
default to a format-preferred value. The file format will be inferred
from the file name suffix. (It is also possible to explicitly give a
format, and to inherit attributes from another iflFile.) This example
then writes a tile of data to the file. It assumes the data buffer is
the size and data type as the image created. It is also possible to do
automatic conversion on the setTile() operation. Always be sure to flush
or close the file when you are done writing data to it or the disk file
may not be correctly written.
Be aware that IFL doesn't scale the data when converting data types, so
you'd better be sure to pick a data type large enough to hold the range
of data values in the image file; you can use the getScaleMinMax() and
getStatMinMax() methods of iflFile to check the range of values. Also,
IFL doesn't do any color model conversions; if you need that level of
functionality you may want to use the ImageVision Library (IL) that is
layered on top of IFL.
The following section on image attributes defines some of the terms just
used such as orientation and dimension ordering.
Example source [Toc] [Back]
If you install ifl_dev.sw.gifts, you can examine the source code provided
in /usr/share/src/ifl/apps for more examples of using IFL.
The Image Format Library characterizes images according to the common
attributes described in the following sections.
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Image size [Toc] [Back]
Image have four dimensions: x, y, z, and c. The x and y dimensions are
typically the width and height of the image although their interpretation
is dependent upon the orientation of the image (described below).
The z dimension is generally interpreted as either depth for volume
images or time for image sequences like movies; for 2D images the size of
the z dimension is one.
The c dimension is the channel or component dimension; the size of the c
dimension is the number of components in each pixel. The size of the c
dimension must match the color model (see below) of the image. For
example, an RGB image must have a c size of three and a greyscale image
must have a c size of one. The only exception is the multi-spectral
color model which can have any size for the c dimension. The image size
is represented by the iflSize structure defined in <ifl/iflSize.h>.
Data type
The data type of an IFL image is the data type of the individual
components of each pixel. All components of a pixel must have the same
data type. The library supports nine data types: bit, signed byte,
unsigned byte, signed short (16 bits), unsigned short, signed long (32
bits), unsigned long, float (32 bits) and double (64 bits). These data
types are encoded by the iflDataType enum defined in <ifl/iflTypes.h>.
Typically, if a format actually stores data in say 4 bits per component
the IFL interface to the file will present the data as unsigned char with
a scaling range of 0-15 (see below).
For a color palette image (see Color model section below), the image's
data type refers to the type of its color index. The type of the color
map values is determined by the file format and stored in an iflColormap.
Dimension order [Toc] [Back]
This is the relative ordering of the image's x, y and channel dimensions.
There are three orderings supported by IFL:
interleaved channel dimension varies fastest, then x, then y, z
last; thus all the components of each pixel are
grouped together
sequential x dimension varies fastest, then channels, then y, z
last; all the components of a single row are grouped
together (seldom used)
separate x dimension varies fastest, then y, then channels, z
last; the data is stored with each component isolated
in a separate plane.
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These orderings are encoded by the iflOrder enum defined in
Color model [Toc] [Back]
The color model of an image defines the interpretation of the components
of its pixels. There are 11 color models supported by IFL: greyscale,
inverted greyscale (minimum is white, maximum is black), greyscale plus
alpha, color palette (indicies mapped through a color map), RGB triplets,
RGB plus alpha, HSV, CMY, CMYK, YCC and multi-spectral. There are also
component reversed versions of RGB and RGBA but their use is deprecated
(they are for backward compatibility with older SGI systems). These
color models are encoded by the iflColorModel enum defined in
Orientation [Toc] [Back]
The orientation of an image defines the spatial interpretation of its x
and y dimensions. It is defined in terms of the location of the origin
of the image (one of the four corners) and the direction of the x and y
dimension (whether x runs horizontally or vertically). The combination
of these two factors yields the eight orientations supported by IFL:
upper-left origin in upper-left corner, x dimension is horizontal
(y is vertical)
upper-right origin in upper-right corner, x dimension is
lower-left origin in lower-left corner, x dimension is horizontal
lower-right origin in lower-right corner, x dimension is
left-upper origin in upper-left corner, x dimension is vertical
(y is horizontal)
right-upper origin in upper-right corner, x dimension is vertical
right-lower origin in lower-right corner, x dimension is vertical
left-lower origin in lower-left corner, x dimension is vertical
These orientations are encoded by the iflOrientation enum defined in
Compression [Toc] [Back]
The data in an image file may be compressed (depending on the format).
Each format supported by IFL will automatically decompress the data read
from the file when it is accessed through the iflFile methods getPage()
and getTile(). Similarly, each format will compress data passed to the
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setPage() and setTile() methods before it is written out. The
compressions are encoded in the iflCompression enum defined in
Page size
Some images are stored in a paged manner, others are stored in horizontal
strips, others may not allow random access at all. Each file format
encodes the underlying structure of its data with the page size
attribute. The page size defines the dimensions of the natural chunks
that an application can access with the getPage() and setPage() methods
of iflFile. For arbitrarily paged images the x and y page size may be
smaller than the image's x and y size, requiring multiple fixed-size
pages to be tiled across the image. For strip oriented images the page
width will be the same as the image width and the strips will be stacked
vertically to cover the image. For images that can't support random
access to pages of fixed size, the page size will be the same as the
image size; i.e. there will only be one page.
The page size is defined by x, y, z and c dimensions as with the image
size and follows the same rules with respect to the image's orientation.
Data within each page is packed; there is no padding at the end of each
line, even for bit data. Some file formats may indicate such padding by
having the page size wider that the image size.
Display scaling range [Toc] [Back]
Some image formats store a notion of the range of component values for
purposes of scaling the data for display. This attribute may not be
present in an image, in which case the application should assume the
range is the full range of values than can be represented by the image's
component data type. For images whose color model is iflRGBpalette this
is the range of the entries on the color map, not the indices.
Statistical range [Toc] [Back]
Some image formats store a notion of the statistical range of component
values. This range should not be used for display scaling purposes, but
may be useful in some image processing computations.
ICC profiles [Toc] [Back]
Some image formats store an ICC (International Color Consortium) profile
that can be used for color management. See http://www.color.org for more
details on the specifics of how such profiles are used.
THE IMAGE FILE ABSTRACTION [Toc] [Back] IFL's mechanism for accessing image files is through the iflFile class.
This class is used as a base for deriving all of the file formats
supported by IFL. It provides static methods to open existing image files
and to create new ones. It provides methods to read and write image
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data, query all attributes and set some attributes. Format specific
operations are supported through the getItem() and setItem() methods.
Because of this base abstraction, IFL enables applications to be written
that are image file format independent, yet still allows full access to
unique attributes and capabilities of particular file formats. Refer to
the iflFile(3) man page for more details.
THE IMAGE FORMAT ABSTRACTION [Toc] [Back] The Image Format Library uses the iflFormat object to represent a
description of the capabilities of a particular image file format. The
iflFormat class provides a number of functions that can be used to look
up formats by format name, by a file's "magic" number, or by file name
extension (e.g. ".gif"). There is also a method to iterate through all
available formats ( useful for user interfaces, for instance, to generate
a menu of available file formats).
The methods on an iflFormat allow the user to determine which values of
the image attributes are supported by that format. There are also
methods to query the preferred values of those attributes. See the
iflFormat(3) man page for more details.
ADDING NEW IMAGE FILE FORMATS [Toc] [Back] To add support for a new image file format, you create a Dynamic Shared
Object (DSO) that implements the format and add an entry in the IFL file
format database for the format.
The DSO implements the file format I/O itself and the IFL interface
abstraction. This is often done by using an already existing file format
library and creating an IFL interface that makes calls into that library
(see the iflJFIFFile.c++ and iflTIFFFile.c++ examples in ifl_dev.sw.gifts
as examples of this). The IFL interface is implemented by deriving
classes from iflFormat and iflFile for the format. Refer to the
iflFile(3) and iflFormat(3) man pages for information on deriving your
own classes.
IFL uses a text database file to determine what file formats are
available for use with IFL. The database is normally located in the file
/usr/lib/ifl/ifl_database but this may be overridden with the
IFL_DATABASE environment variable.
The database is generated by the /usr/lib/ifl/ifldbgen program when new
file formats are added to the system. To add you own file format, you
should create a database file with the new entry or entries and place
that file in the /usr/lib/ifl/database directory. Once there, running the
ifldbgen program will generate the updated database. Unlike previous
versions of IFL, you should not include an include directive in the new
database file. Doing so will result in conflicts when ifldbgen creates
the new database.
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Building your DSO [Toc] [Back]
There are two critical things that must be done when you build the DSO
for your file format.
You must build your DSO using the C++ compiler so that the
statically declared iflFormat derived object (see the iflFormat(3)
man page for more info) will be automatically instantiated when the
DSO is dynamically opened by IFL.
The DSO version string must be 'sgi2.0' for IFL 1.1 and IFL 1.2 to
recognize it as a valid file format DSO.
An example command line to create a DSO for the TIFF format might be:
% CC -mips3 -n32 -o libiflTIFF.so -set_version sgi2.0 -shared -all \
iflTIFFFile.o -ltiff -lifl -lm
The DSO would then normally be installed in /usr/lib32 or some other
directory that can be pointed to by the LD_LIBRARYN32_PATH environment
variable. If you wish your file format to be useable with both -32 and
-n32 executables then you will need to build the DSO for each object
style and install them in the appropriate directories. See the ld(1) and
rld(1) man pages for more details on DSO search paths.
Format of the database file [Toc] [Back]
IFL database files are text files made up of a list of "format"
declarations. A format declaration looks like this:
format formatname
match matchrule
description "human-readable description of the format"
dso name of DSO file
access supported access modes
subsystem inst sub-system containing the DSO
suffixes comma-separated list of file name suffixes
The format declaration must come first and declares the name of an image
file format. A format name is a one-word string and can be any legal Clanguage
variable name. Each format declaration must have a unique name.
All attribute declarations that follow a format declaration may appear in
any order and apply to that format until the next format declaration is
encountered in the database file. The match, description, and dso
attribute declarations are required for every format.
The match declaration is a logical expression that determines whether a
particular file is of the declared format. A match rule consists of a
C-style logical expression made up of functions, comparison operators and
parentheses. The following C-language operators may be used in a MATCH
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&& || == != < > <= >= ( )
The == operator works for string comparisons as well as for numerical
Numbers in a match expression may be expressed in decimal, octal, or
hexadecimal notation. Octal numbers are expressed with a leading zero,
such as 0732. Hexadecimal numbers are expressed with a leading `0x' such
as 0xf03c. Decimal number are expressed normally, but may not have a
leading zero.
The following expression functions are available:
char(n) Returns the signed byte located at offset n in the file;
range -128 to 127.
long(n) Returns the signed long integer located at offset n in
the file; range -2^31 to 2^31-1.
short(n) Returns the signed short integer located at offset n in
the file; range -32768 to 32767.
string(n,l) Returns the l character long string located at offset n
in the file.
uchar(n) Returns the unsigned byte located at offset n in the
file; range 0 to 255.
ulong(n) Returns the unsigned long integer located at offset n in
the file; range 0 to 2^32-1.
ushort(n) Returns the unsigned short integer located at offset n in
the file; range 0 to 65535.
Typical match declaration examples are:
== 0xda01
match long(0) == 0xffd8ffe0 && string(6,4) == "JFIF"
The description declaration is a human-readable description of the image
format. Typical description declaration examples are:
description "Kodak Photo CD image"
description "TIFF image"
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Descriptions should be relatively short as they are used as the labels
for GUI components in some applications.
The dso declaration specifies that name of the DSO that contains the code
to read and/or write the format. This name is typically specified
without a directory path; instead, the environment variable,
LD_LIBRARY_PATH, is used to locate the DSO at run-time.
The optional access declaration determines what access modes are
supported for the format. Possible values are: "readonly", "writeonly",
or the default, "readwrite".
The optional subsystem declaration can be used to name the inst sub-
system that should be installed to obtain support for the format. This
name is included in error messages when the DSO for a format can not be
The optional suffixes declaration lists a set of file name suffixes that
will be used to determined what format a newly created file should use
when the format is not specified in an iflFile::create() call. A typical
suffixes rule would be:
suffixes .jpg,.jpeg
Comments may be placed in a database file by using the '!' character.
The comment extends to the end of the line.
Other files (like /usr/lib/ifl/ifl_database) can be included in a
database file using the "#include" directive. This directive uses the
same syntax as the C preprocessor equivalent; the "#" must be the first
character on a line and the filename must be enclosed in quotes or
#include "filename"
#include <filename>
The filename must be an absolute pathname (i.e. it must start with a
iflFile(3), iflFormat(3), iflSize(3), IFL(1), <ifl/iflTypes.h>, IL(1)
PPPPaaaaggggeeee 11110000 [ Back ]