sgi_eag_mount - mount a filesystem with attributes
#include <sys/eag.h>
int sgi_eag_mount(char *spec, char *dir, int mflag, char *fstyp, char
*dataptr, int datalen, char *attrs);
sgi_eag_mount is identical to mount(2), except that it accepts an
additional argument attrs, which contains a data block specifying default
attributes for the filesystem.
sgi_eag_mount requires that the calling process have appropriate
privilege. If _POSIX_CAP is in effect, the appropriate capability is
sgi_eag_mount will fail if one or more of the following are true:
EACCES Search permission is denied on a component of dir or
EPERM The calling process does not have appropriate
EBUSY dir is currently mounted on, is someone's current
working directory, or is otherwise busy.
EBUSY The device associated with spec is currently mounted.
EBUSY There are no more mount table entries.
EFAULT spec, dir, datalen, or attrs points outside the
allocated address space of the process.
EINVAL The super block has an invalid magic number or the
fstyp is invalid.
ELOOP Too many symbolic links were encountered in
translating spec or dir.
ENAMETOOLONG The length of the path argument exceeds {PATH_MAX},
or the length of a path component exceeds {NAME_MAX}
while _POSIX_NO_TRUNC is in effect.
ENOENT None of the named files exists or is a null pathname.
ENOTDIR A component of a path prefix is not a directory.
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EREMOTE spec is remote and cannot be mounted.
ENOLINK path points to a remote machine and the link to that
machine is no longer active.
EMULTIHOP Components of path require hopping to multiple remote
machines and the file system type does not allow it.
ETIMEDOUT A component of path is located on a remote file
system which is not available [see intro(2)].
ENOTBLK spec is not a block special device.
ENXIO The device associated with spec does not exist.
ENOTDIR dir is not a directory.
EROFS spec is write protected and mflag requests write
ENOSPC The file system state in the super-block is not
FsOKAY and mflag requests write permission.
E2BIG The file system's size parameters are larger than the
size of special device spec. Either mkfs(1M) was run
on a different overlapping device or the device has
been changed with fx(1M) since mkfs was run.
EFSCORRUPTED The filesystem has a corruption forcing failure of
the mount.
EWRONGFS The wrong filesystem type was supplied in fstyp, or
there is no filesystem on spec.
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