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NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     usconfig -	semaphore and lock arena configuration operations

C SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     #include <ulocks.h>

     ptrdiff_t usconfig	(int cmd<b>, ...);

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     usconfig is used to configure the use of semaphores and locks.  Some of
     these options set configurable parameters to be used on the next
     usinit(3P), others	give back information about a particular arena.	 In
     the discussion below, arguments to	usconfig are numbered starting from 1,
     thus the first argument refers to cmd.  Many of the options require an
     arena pointer which is the	value returned by a successful call to usinit
     and is always interpreted as a usptr_t *.

     The following cmds	are available:

     CONF_INITSIZE    [Toc]    [Back]
	     Sets the shared segment size (in bytes) for semaphores, locks,
	     and the usmalloc(3P) arena	to the value given by the second
	     argument interpreted as an	unsigned int.  The initial value is
	     65536 bytes.  This	only has effect	if called before a usinit(3P).
	     It	returns	the previously set value.

     CONF_INITUSERS    [Toc]    [Back]
	     Sets the maximum number of	users for a given group	of semaphores
	     and locks to the value given by the second	argument interpreted
	     as	an unsigned int.  The maximum allowable	is 10000 users,	and
	     the initial value is 8.  This only	has effect if called before
	     usinit(3P).  Each process that calls usinit(3P) is	considered a
	     user, as is each shared address process that uses a spinlock or
	     semaphore without calling usinit(3P).  It returns the previously
	     set value.

     CONF_GETSIZE    [Toc]    [Back]
	     Returns the arena size (in	bytes) for the arena specified by the
	     second argument interpreted as an usptr_t *.  (as returned	by

     CONF_GETUSERS    [Toc]    [Back]
	     Returns the maximum number	of users for the arena specified by
	     the second	argument interpreted as	an usptr_t *.  (as returned by

     CONF_LOCKTYPE    [Toc]    [Back]
	     The second	argument interpreted as	an unsigned int.  defines
	     which of US_NODEBUG, US_DEBUG, or US_DEBUGPLUS locks are to be
	     used in the arena set up by the next call to usinit(3P).  The
	     US_NODEBUG	option is the fastest, and no debugging	or metering
	     information is available.	US_DEBUG locks provide metering	and

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	     debugging information about each lock transaction.	 The metering
	     information gathered consists of -	the number of times the	lock
	     is	requested (lm_tries); the number of times the lock is acquired
	     (lm_hits);	and the	number of times	the lock was found locked
	     (lm_spins).  The metering is stored in a lockmeter_t structure
	     and is retrievable	via usctllock(3P).  The	debugging information
	     maintained	consists of the	process	id of the owner	of the lock
	     (ld_owner_pid).  The pid is set to	-1 if no one owns the lock.
	     The debug info is stored in a lockdebug_t structure and is
	     retrievable via usctllock(3P).  The US_DEBUGPLUS option provides
	     the same debugging	and metering information and in	addition, if
	     either an unset lock is unlocked, a set lock is unlocked by other
	     than the setter, or a lock	is locked twice	by the same caller, a
	     message is	printed	to stderr.

     CONF_ARENATYPE    [Toc]    [Back]
	     By	default, arenas	are configured so that unrelated processes may
	     join the arena by specifying the appropriate file name when
	     calling usinit(3P).  This means that the file must	continue to
	     exist for the duration of the time	the arena is in	use.  If the
	     file is a temporary file, it may be difficult for an application
	     program to	guarantee the file gets	removed	at the appropriate
	     time.  If the second argument interpreted as an unsigned int.  is
	     set to US_SHAREDONLY then usinit(3P) will unlink the file after
	     it	has opened it.	This of	course means that unrelated processes
	     may NEVER join the	arena.	This also implies that all users of
	     the arena must be sharing file descriptors, either	by using the
	     PR_SFDS option to sproc(2)), or being related via fork(2).	 Note
	     however that processes related via	fork share file	descriptors
	     only at fork time,	thus the arena must be set up by the parent
	     process before any	children are spawned.  Note that if a child is
	     spawned before an arena is	set up,	and the	arena type is set to
	     US_SHAREDONLY and both the	parent and child call usinit on	the
	     same filename, they will get separate arenas - probably not the
	     desired result.

     CONF_CHMOD    [Toc]    [Back]
	     Sets the access permissions on the	arena and lock files.  When
	     usinit(3P)	creates	an arena, the user and group ids are set to
	     the callers effective user	and group id, and the access
	     permissions are set to 0600.  This	makes the arena	available only
	     to	processes running with the same	effective user id.  To allow
	     other user	or group ids access to the arena, the mode on the
	     various files and locks may be changed by using the CONF_CHMOD
	     option.  The second argument, interpreted as an usptr_t *.
	     specifies which arena, and	the third argument, interpreted	as an
	     mode_t specifies the new mode (see	chmod(2)).  Access to pollable
	     semaphores	is governed on a per semaphore basis and is set	when
	     first opening the semaphore via usopenpollsema(3P).

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     CONF_ATTACHADDR    [Toc]    [Back]
	     Sets the virtual address where the	arena and locks	are attached
	     in	the calling process to the value specified by the second
	     argument, taken as	a void *.  It must be a	multiple of the
	     underlying	page size (see getpagesize(2)).	 Normally, when
	     usinit(3P)	is called, the arena and lock area are attached	(via
	     mmap(2)) using the	option that lets the system pick an
	     appropriate attach	address.  This may not be appropriate if the
	     original creator of the arena is a	small process (small code
	     space) and	a very large code space	unrelated process attempts to
	     attach to the arena.  This	option allows the creator to fix an
	     address that is acceptable	to all processes wishing to join the
	     arena.  Note that it is important after calling usinit(3P)	to
	     reset the attach address to the initial value ((void *) ~0)
	     before another usinit(3P) is called.  Otherwise the second	call
	     will fail.	 When sproc(2) is called, an arena used	to protect
	     standard I/O is set up automatically.  By specifying a new	attach
	     address before first calling sproc(2) the location	of the I/O
	     arena may be fixed.  This only has	effect if called before	a
	     usinit(3P).  It returns the previously set	value.

     CONF_AUTOGROW    [Toc]    [Back]
	     If	the second argument, interpreted as an unsigned	int, is	zero
	     then the underlying file of a newly created arena will be grown
	     to	its maximum size (as specified by CONF_INITSIZE) before	the
	     arena is mapped in.  The arena will be mapped without the
	     MAP_AUTOGROW option to mmap(2).  If the second argument is	nonzero
 the file will	be mapped with the MAP_AUTOGROW	option.	 This
	     can cause some unexpected failures	if the underlying file system
	     fills up.	The default is to map all files	with the MAP_AUTOGROW
	     option.  This only	has effect if called before a usinit(3P).  It
	     returns the previously set	value.

     CONF_AUTORESV    [Toc]    [Back]
	     If	the second argument, interpreted as an unsigned	int, is	nonzero
 then the arena file will be mapped in	with the MAP_AUTORESRV
	     option to mmap(2).	 This option is	only effective when autogrowing
 the arena (see CONF_AUTOGROW above) and the arena file is
	     the special device	/dev/zero.  These two options together permit
	     declaring arenas that are very large on systems with limited
	     resources,	and only encountering errors if	in fact	the
	     application actually uses too much	memory.	 This only has effect
	     if	called before a	usinit(3P).  It	returns	the previously set

     CONF_HISTON    [Toc]    [Back]
	     Enable semaphore history logging for the arena given by the
	     second argument interpreted as an usptr_t *.  The history
	     mechanism may then	be enabled for previously allocated semaphores
	     using usctlsema(3P).  All subsequent semaphores allocated via
	     usnewsema(3P) are set to log their	history.  This cmd serves as a
	     global flag on the	history	mechanism in conjunction with

									Page 3


	     CONF_HISTOFF to allow for quick enabling and disabling of
	     history.  The history mechanism logs the operation, the semaphore
	     for which the operation was done, the pid of the process
	     performing	the operation, and the address from which the
	     operation was called.  No history is maintained for locks,	since
	     the number	of transactions	on locks is typically large.

     CONF_HISTSIZE    [Toc]    [Back]
	     Set the maximum number of history records kept for	the arena
	     specified by the second argument interpreted as an	usptr_t	*.  to
	     the value of the third argument, interpreted as an	unsigned int.
	     If	set to 0 (the initial value) then new history records are
	     allocated until there is no more room in the arena.

     CONF_HISTFETCH    [Toc]    [Back]
	     Fills in a	history	structure for the arena	specified by the
	     second argument interpreted as an usptr_t *.  The third argument,
	     interpreted as a histptr_t	*, should point	to storage where the
	     history data can be copied	to.  This structure contains - the
	     number of entries in the history list ( hp_entries); a pointer to
	     the most recent history structure ( hp_current); and the number
	     of	non-logged entries due to either lack of space or exceeding
	     the maximum number	of entries specified by	CONF_HISTSIZE(
	     hp_errors).  The history list is a	doubly linked and NULL
	     terminated	list so	that the user can then traverse	the list as
	     they see fit.  Traversing the list	from hp_current	through	h_last
	     will access the list from most recent semaphore event to least
	     recent.  If no more space is available in the arena, the oldest
	     history event is re-used.	The hist_t structure (defined in
	     <ulocks.h>) is described below.

     CONF_HISTOFF    [Toc]    [Back]
	     Disable the history mechanism for all semaphores in the arena
	     specified by the second argument interpreted as an	usptr_t	*.
	     Note that this simply turns off a global history flag for the
	     given arena - the individual semaphores' history state is

     CONF_HISTRESET    [Toc]    [Back]
	     Reinitializes the history chain for the arena specified by	the
	     second argument interpreted as an usptr_t *.  to contain no
	     entries. This frees all previously	allocated history records.

     CONF_STHREADIOOFF    [Toc]    [Back]
	     By	default, the stdio(3) routines available with libc.a are
	     single threaded.  Multiple	shared address space processes may
	     attempt to	execute	them simultaneously and	the system guarantees
	     that they will work as expected.  This requires that the stdio(3)
	     data structures be	locked on each access, thereby adding overhead
	     which may be unnecessary in certain applications.	This command
	     turns off any single threading of the following routines:	getc,
	     putc, fgetc, fputc, ungetc, getw, putw, gets, fgets, puts,	fputs,

									Page 4


	     fopen, fdopen, freopen, ftell, rewind, feof, clearerr, ferror,
	     setbuf, setlinebuf, setbuffer, setvbuf, fclose, fflush, fread,
	     fwrite, fseek, fgetpos, fsetpos, flockfile, funlockfile, tempnam,
	     tmpnam, tmpfile, mktemp, mkstemp, popen, pclose, atexit, printf,
	     fprintf, vprintf, vfprintf, scanf,	fscanf,	The previous state of
	     stdio(3) single threading is returned.

	     Note: for FORTRAN the default is different, see CONF_STHREADIOON

     CONF_STHREADIOON    [Toc]    [Back]
	     This option enables single	threading of the stdio(3) routines.
	     The previous state	of stdio(3) single threading is	returned.

	     Note: The FORTRAN I/O library is not safe for multi-processing,
	     even if the stdio(3) routines are single threaded.	 For this
	     reason, FORTRAN programs have CONF_STHREADIOOFF configured	by
	     default, to avoid the extra overhead.  If a FORTRAN program
	     wishes to use the stdio(3)	routines to get	parallel I/O, you must
	     set CONF_STHREADIOON to re-enable the single threading.

     CONF_STHREADMISCOFF    [Toc]    [Back]
	     Some routines besides stdio(3) routines are also single threaded
	     by	default.  This option disables this for	the following
	     routines:	opendir, readdir, scandir, seekdir, closedir, telldir,
	     dup2, srand, rand,	addsev,	addseverity, fmtmsg, setcat, gettxt,
	     lfmt, localeconv, nl_langinfo, pfmt, setlabel, setlocale,
	     strftime, strxfrm,	strcoll, vlfmt,	vpfmt The previous state of
	     single threading is returned.

     CONF_STHREADMISCON    [Toc]    [Back]
	     This option enables single	threading of the miscellaneous
	     routines mentioned	above.	This command is	the inverse of
	     CONF_STHREADMISCOFF.  The previous	state of single	threading of
	     the miscellaneous routines	is returned.

     CONF_STHREADMALLOCOFF    [Toc]    [Back]
	     The malloc(3) routines are	single threaded	by default.  This
	     option disables single threading for the following	routines:
	     malloc, free, realloc, calloc, mallopt, mallinfo.	The previous
	     state of their single threading is	returned.

     CONF_STHREADMALLOCON    [Toc]    [Back]
	     This option enables single	threading of the malloc(3) routines.
	     The previous state	of single threading is returned.

     the caller	is the process that first sets up the arena.  If the process
     is	just joining an	existing arena,	the settings of	these parameters is

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     The structure declaration of hist_t is:

	typedef	struct		      {
	    struct usema_s *h_sem;    /* the semaphore */
	    int	h_op;		      /* the operation */
	    pid_t h_pid;	      /* the thread process id */
	    int	h_scnt;		      /* the value of the semaphore */
	    pid_t h_wpid;	      /* the waking process id */
	    char *h_cpc;	      /* the calling PC	*/
	    struct hist_s *h_next;    /* the next hist_t in the	chain */
	    struct hist_s *h_last;    /* the previous hist_t in	the chain */
	} hist_t;

     h_sem is the address of the semaphore.  h_next and	h_last are the
     linkages that chain all the history records together.  h_op defines what
     operation was performed on	the semaphore.	Valid operation	types are
     defined in	<ulocks.h>.  h_pid is the process id of	the caller making the
     semaphore call.  h_scnt is	the semaphore count at the end of the
     operation.	 For the HOP_PWOKE operation type, the count is	the current
     semaphore count at	the time the process ran after being woken.  Pollable
     semaphores	will never record a HOP_PWOKE event.  h_wpid is	the process id
     of	the process to next receive the	semaphore.  It is only valid for the
     HOP_VWAKE operation.  h_cpc is the	address	in the callers code that the
     semaphore operation was called from.

     The structure declaration of histptr_t is:

	typedef	struct histptr_s   {
	     hist_t *hp_current;   /* pointer to the last hist_t */
	     int hp_entries;	   /* count of hist_t structs */
	     int hp_errors;	   /* #	of errors due to lack of space */
	} histptr_t;

     usconfig will fail	if one or more of the following	are true:

     EINVAL    cmd is not a valid command.

     EINVAL    cmd is equal to CONF_INITSIZE and the second argument is	less
	       than the	system-imposed minimum (4096 bytes) or greater than
	       the system-imposed maximum size for a mapped memory segment.

     EINVAL    cmd is equal to CONF_INITUSERS and the second argument is
	       greater than the	system-imposed maximum (10000).

     EINVAL    cmd is equal to CONF_ARENATYPE and the second argument is not
	       equal to	either US_SHAREDONLY or	US_GENERAL.

     EINVAL    cmd is equal to CONF_HISTFETCH and history is not currently

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SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     chmod(2), usctllock(3P), usctlsema(3P), usinit(3P), usinitlock(3P),
     usinitsema(3P), usmalloc(3P), usnewlock(3P), usnewsema(3P),

DIAGNOSTICS    [Toc]    [Back]

     Upon successful completion, the return value is dependent on the
     and CONF_GETUSERS never return an error.  Otherwise, a value of -1	is
     returned and errno	is set to indicate the error.

									PPPPaaaaggggeeee 7777
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