clock_settime, clock_gettime, clock_getres - get/set date and time
#include <time.h>
int clock_settime(clockid_t clock_id, const struct timespec *tp);
int clock_gettime(clockid_t clock_id, struct timespec *tp);
int clock_getres(clockid_t clock_id, struct timespec *res);
The clock_settime() function sets the specific clock, clock_id, to the
value specified by tp. Time values that are between two consecutive nonnegative
integer multiples of the resolution of the specified clock are
truncated down to the smaller multiple of the resolution.
The clock_gettime() function returns the current value tp for the
specified clock, clock_id. Depending on the clocks resolution, it may be
possible to obtain the same time value with consecutive reads of the
clock. The time value may also have a higher precision then the
resolution of the clock.
The resolution of any clock can be obtained by calling the clock_getres()
function. The resolution of the clock will be returned in res. If res is
NULL, then the resolution of the clock will not be returned.
Supported clocks for clock_id are
CLOCK_REALTIME The system's notion of the current time is obtained with
this clock. The time is expressed in seconds and
nanoseconds since midnight (00:00) Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC), January 1, 1970. The resolution for of this
clock is never worse than 100 HZ (which equals 10
milliseconds). The actual resolution of the clock depends
on the timer capability of the underlying hardware(see
This clock allows easy access to the free running hardware
counter. This SGI specific clock maps the counter into
the application address space and returns the current
value. Handling of the counter wraps on machines with
small counters is left to the application. To find the
number of bit the counter supports the application may
call syssgi() with the SGI_CYCLECNTR_SIZE request. This
clock only is usable as a clock_id for the clock_gettime()
and clock_getres() functions. This clock is SGI specific
and is not portable.
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CLOCK_SGI_FAST This clock has a higher resolution than CLOCK_REALTIME and
is available to privileged users only. This clock only is
usable as a clock_id. for the clock_getres() and
timer_create() functions. This clock is SGI specific and
is not portable.
date(1), time(2), stime(2), ctime(3C), gettimeofday(3c),
settimeofday(3c), and syssgi(2).
The clock_settime(), clock_gettime(), and clock_getres() return a value
of 0 to the calling process if the operation is successful; otherwise the
functions shall return a value of -1 and shall set errno to indicate the
[EINVAL] The clock_id argument is not a know clock.
The clock_settime() call also supports the following values for errno
[EINVAL] The tp argument is outside the range for the given
clock_id , or the tp argument specified a nanosecond value
less then zero or greater then or equal to 1000 million
[EPERM] The requesting process does not have the appropriate
privilege to set the specified clock.
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